Forum for Lupus 1 (#75)
Greetings to all!
One question: "When will we finish this game?" The specific ending turn is not indicated, but it is already turn #80. I would have completed it already, there are new parties being recruited.
Good luck!
Greetings to all!
One question: "When will we finish this game?" The specific ending turn is not indicated, but it is already turn #80. I would have completed it already, there are new parties being recruited.
Good luck!
As for me, let the beat go on at least 10 turns more, I have a lot of Virgos queued.
It seems to me that there are still a lot of undecided battles going on. My suggestion is to keep the game running for at least another 20 turns. Then let's do a poll and find out if the majority of players regard their matters settled.
It seems to me that there are still a lot of undecided battles going on. My suggestion is to keep the game running for at least another 20 turns. Then let's do a poll and find out if the majority of players regard their matters settled.
20 turns is great!
It seems to me that there are still a lot of undecided battles going on. My suggestion is to keep the game running for at least another 20 turns. Then let's do a poll and find out if the majority of players regard their matters settled.
finish now
Greetings to all!
One question: "When will we finish this game?" The specific ending turn is not indicated, but it is already turn #80. I would have completed it already, there are new parties being recruited.
Good luck!
Hey Sergei,
Glad that you ask.
I'm for finishing.
On top i have the feeling that 'no-cooperation' is for some more a wish that a rule ???
On top i have the feeling that 'no-cooperation' is for some more a wish that a rule ???
Could you specify this?
Quit! Quit! Quit!
Hello everybody!
Thank you for answering my question. As always, opinions differ. As far as I understand, we do not have democracy , if one person is against the end, then the rule works: "Die or play on!"
It is decided not by a majority, but by a unanimous vote. We will continue, but isn't 20 turns too much?
Good luck!
Well, I always wanted to play a last man standing game, why not this one?
JK I'd be glad if we could add something between 10 and 20 turns in order to prepare for the end. I have spent my resources for a build order on every base I own. It would have been a better investment to buy mines and webs from it if I had known that "open end" is still no more than usual, but I can also not ignore that the majority would prefer to end this game better sooner than later. So I hope my proposal is acceptable for everybody
As a middle-ground between "now" and "at least 20 more", I set the end condition to "approximately turn 90". I hope that's ok for everyone.
As a middle-ground between "now" and "at least 20 more", I set the end condition to "approximately turn 90". I hope that's ok for everyone.
As a middle-ground between "now" and "at least 20 more", I set the end condition to "approximately turn 90". I hope that's ok for everyone.