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[Posting] Game end
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2023-08-03 12:44 GMT


Games like Lupus or Titan, when do they finish? when players say "enough" or is there a rule?


[Posting] Re: Game end
Posted Thu, 2023-08-03 18:59 GMT

Games like Lupus or Titan, when do they finish? when players say "enough" or is there a rule?

Titan has the standard "approximately turn 80" rule (after turn 80, roll a die and maybe end the game - but not at turn 80 sharp to avoid that everyone buys a lot of useless stuff in turn 79 just for score).

Lupus currently does not have a default end condition but that is more an oversight on my end. Players can decide an end condition and I will configure it.


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