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[Posting] CCSHIPS and IMAGES
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2023-03-30 15:36 GMT

Where does CCSHIPS get the pictures of the ships from? I didn't specify anything, but I see that he has already uploaded a set of images (it seems to me the one from the Plist).


[Posting] Re: CCSHIPS and IMAGES
Posted Thu, 2023-03-30 19:12 GMT

Where does CCSHIPS get the pictures of the ships from? I didn't specify anything, but I see that he has already uploaded a set of images (it seems to me the one from the Plist).

CCSHIPS comes with some predefined pictures (drawn/rendered by yours truly, a long time ago). They are stored in the cc.res/ccships.res file.

You can install extra resource files using the utilities here. In particular, you can import resource.pln or Winplan pictures.


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