Forum for Titan 19 (#68)
Hi guys - excited to play with you... hopefully I don't make too much of a fool of myself, I'm an intermediate player only recently having discovered PCII. Before that, I played exclusively with DOS version and TimHost 3.14. Played maybe 3 full games back in the 90s, and have played another 4 or so since the pandemic hit. The games I play have always been with real-life friends, and none of us are that good, so I'm sure I'll learn a whole lot playing with you guys We still play using a BBS to handle submitting TRN files etc, so it will be nice to use a modern interface for once
I have joined this game (Titan 19) and although I know I can use the PlanetsCentral key provided to me with an account on this site (thanks SOOO much for that Stefan!!) I was trying to upload my fizz.bin file from my registered DOS copy just for the fun of it. I couldn't believe it when Tim Wisseman actually replied to my registration request and provided me with a registered copy just last month.
When trying to upload my fizz.bin file using this link:
I receive an error:
Is this simply because the game hasn't started yet, or is there a bug with the upload process?
No big deal as I can always use the site-provided one, but again, just thought I'd try to use my DOS license for the fun of it
Looking foward to the game!
I receive an error:
Is this simply because the game hasn't started yet, or is there a bug with the upload process?
This is a bug (typo) in the upload process. It's actually the same bug as in PlanetsCentral new layout br..., and I wonder how I missed it back then.
As a workaround, just use the regular file upload function.
That aside I wouldn't be too surprised if you hit some rough edges when fiddling with a not-yet-started game
You do not need to upload a registration key if you play offline (with PCC2, VPA, planets.exe, ...). However, when you upload a turn file you made on your PC, the server will remember the key you used and offer it for online play later. This should reduce the number of times you have to mess with files to a minimum.
Hi Xhum,
Welcome to PlanetsCentral. Best of luck. There are some very good players in the house, you'll see. Lots to learn from them indeed. Have fun and see you around the Echo Cluster!
Hi guys - excited to play with you... hopefully I don't make too much of a fool of myself, I'm an intermediate player only recently having discovered PCII. Before that, I played exclusively with DOS version and TimHost 3.14. Played maybe 3 full games back in the 90s, and have played another 4 or so since the pandemic hit. The games I play have always been with real-life friends, and none of us are that good, so I'm sure I'll learn a whole lot playing with you guys
We still play using a BBS to handle submitting TRN files etc, so it will be nice to use a modern interface for once
I have joined this game (Titan 19) and although I know I can use the PlanetsCentral key provided to me with an account on this site (thanks SOOO much for that Stefan!!) I was trying to upload my fizz.bin file from my registered DOS copy just for the fun of it. I couldn't believe it when Tim Wisseman actually replied to my registration request and provided me with a registered copy just last month.
When trying to upload my fizz.bin file using this link:
I receive an error:
Is this simply because the game hasn't started yet, or is there a bug with the upload process?
No big deal as I can always use the site-provided one, but again, just thought I'd try to use my DOS license for the fun of it
Looking foward to the game!