Forum for FLAK 1 (#69)

[Posting] Pause
Thread opener, Player 2 (The Lizards)
Posted Wed, 2022-01-19 19:55 GMT

I got an emergency pause request for this game. I will pause this game until 30/Jan after the current host run.


[Posting] Re: Pause
Player 11 (The Colonies)
Posted Sat, 2022-01-29 21:14 GMT

Hello everyone, and thank you for your patience! The request came from my side, I had to take care of my wife and our newborn child, which had to be delivered by emergency c-section. All of us are fine, gradually coming back to something like a normal daily routine. See you around! Matt

[Posting] Re: Pause
Posted Sat, 2022-01-29 22:15 GMT


Glad to know everything went well. All the best!

Hello everyone, and thank you for your patience! The request came from my side, I had to take care of my wife and our newborn child, which had to be delivered by emergency c-section. All of us are fine, gradually coming back to something like a normal daily routine. See you around! Matt

[Posting] Re: Pause
Player 11 (The Colonies)
Posted Mon, 2022-01-31 18:30 GMT

Thank you very much Tulgas, I appreciate your kind words! :smile:


Glad to know everything went well. All the best!

Hello everyone, and thank you for your patience! The request came from my side, I had to take care of my wife and our newborn child, which had to be delivered by emergency c-section. All of us are fine, gradually coming back to something like a normal daily routine. See you around! Matt

[Posting] Re: Pause
Player 8 (The Evil Empire)
Posted Sun, 2022-04-10 04:27 GMT

Would everyone be ok to pause the game for a week. I am on Spring Break vacation...

Thank you.


[Posting] Re: Pause
Thread opener, Player 2 (The Lizards)
Posted Sun, 2022-04-10 07:43 GMT

Would everyone be ok to pause the game for a week. I am on Spring Break vacation...

Thank you.

It would be helpful if you could define your spring break as concrete days :smile: (i.e. first host that should not run, first host to run again)


[Posting] Re: Pause
Player 8 (The Evil Empire)
Posted Sun, 2022-04-10 14:04 GMT

Good point Stefan. Suspending Host run until Monday 18 April would be appreciated.

Thanks Terraner

Would everyone be ok to pause the game for a week. I am on Spring Break vacation...

Thank you.

It would be helpful if you could define your spring break as concrete days :smile: (i.e. first host that should not run, first host to run again)


[Posting] Re: Pause
Thread opener, Player 2 (The Lizards)
Posted Mon, 2022-04-11 19:35 GMT

Good point Stefan. Suspending Host run until Monday 18 April would be appreciated.

Thus, next regular host run will be on 21st. Host runs earlier when all turns are in.


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