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[Posting] Merry Xmas everybody...
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2021-12-24 14:07 GMT

... enjoy the holidays and get some rest from the stressful life of Planets :lol:


[Posting] Re: Merry Xmas everybody...
Posted Fri, 2022-01-07 11:44 GMT

Thanks Mike,

I just saw this message. I hope you had a good one. I must say I enjoyed the Xmass break but I'm happy to be back to real, regular life... Too much food in just a few days...

Happy New Year to everyone!


... enjoy the holidays and get some rest from the stressful life of Planets :lol:


[Posting] Re: Merry Xmas everybody...
Posted Fri, 2022-01-07 12:55 GMT

... enjoy the holidays and get some rest from the stressful life of Planets :lol:


and today we wish Merry Christmas to all Orthodox Christians!

[Posting] Re: Merry Xmas everybody...
Posted Fri, 2022-01-07 13:14 GMT

Thanks for that reminder at0mix. I actually didn't know Orthodox celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January (it's also my father's birthday today, he'll be delighted to know about this).

Happy Christmas again then!

... enjoy the holidays and get some rest from the stressful life of Planets :lol:


and today we wish Merry Christmas to all Orthodox Christians!

[Posting] Re: Merry Xmas everybody...
Posted Fri, 2022-01-07 13:22 GMT

I'll tell you another secret - January 13 will be the OLD New Year %) that is, the New Year according to the old (pre-revolutionary) style

Orthodox Christians, guided by the instructions of the apostles, calculate holidays according to the Julian calendar. Catholics and Protestants count holidays according to the Gregorian calendar.

[Posting] Re: Merry Xmas everybody...
Posted Fri, 2022-01-07 13:56 GMT

That's very cool. We all tend to think that things are the same everywhere but they're not. Very interesting. Thanks for the facts!

I'll tell you another secret - January 13 will be the OLD New Year %) that is, the New Year according to the old (pre-revolutionary) style

Orthodox Christians, guided by the instructions of the apostles, calculate holidays according to the Julian calendar. Catholics and Protestants count holidays according to the Gregorian calendar.

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