Everything: VGAP, RL, or otherwise
Just to be sure - this is not concerning any running games. That's why this is in the general forum and not in any specific game forum. It's just a general expression of my feelings in mad times from a mad country in a mad world.
Right now I'm not in the mood to play a war game against you. Because many of you are russians. And I am german. I mean it's okay to have fun together.
Just right now the fun is spoiled. Massively so. And my feelings go hire wire in a world which lost its common sense. Well I can't tell for russia or china or maybe afrika. Most of my views for these regions are based on local NATO press. Which is bullshit alltogether. And I've got enough to do with the bullshit concerning right here.
Well, in the western world (aka right here) there is no common sense left. They just destroyed any constitution there was for a flu pandemic. Maybe a flu pandemic. The numbers are not suitable to base such claims. There are just speculations. What's the purpose of this madness?
I don't know. Really. There are many possibilities. Like an economic attack on china - carried out by WHO and linked corporations - which went out of control. Or not.
It might also be the real approach to establish the police state which was very well prepared in the last years. In germany there is the AFD - Alternative für Deutschland - which gets a lot of votes and which is said to be a facist party. Well having a look at the CDU-regime under councellor merkel there is no need for the AFD. The laws they created in the last years would have benefitted the real Nazis just as they will benefit any other regime which may declare or not declare rulership in germany. (why declare it - they already write the laws which they then give to the so called politicians who simply aknowledge them)
Last time happening end of march there they decided to kill the right to demonstrate (which they can't even in war times - people just tend to not demonstrate when they see their families dying, but they might still if they think it's necessary) and many other basic rights. And the protocoll of the parlament reads like this.
Okay now the new Infektionsschutzgesetz (you may want to keep that word in mind, it might be a good word for the future like verboten, blitzkrieg and some others...). Is there anyone who wants to give a speech?
Any Questions?
Then we conclude with the vote. Who votes for the Infektionsschutzgesetz?
Okay this is unanimous. Next point...
Okay. So the government enables itself (ermächtigt sich selbst) end the parlament is cheering for them. Thank you very much. Now we are there we have been in 1934 (Reichstagsbrand) with the little difference that NATO-brigades are already no more than 100km in front St. Petersburg.
This is somehow funny in itself. Some years ago, NATO wanted to 'protect' - of course protect, it's always for protection, like we protected the poor libyen people, and now have a look what a glorious future is awaiting them - the baltic states. But NATO got a problem. There was a treaty which prevented permanent NATO presence near the russian border. What to do?
Well let's just rotate the forces. Two weeks there are german forces. The next two weeks its spanish forces. Then there are french forces and so on. Noone in their right mind would ever call that a permanent presence. Right?
Well there is probably no need to tell YOU guys. But that's not even the end of it. No!
Right now a maneuver was planned near the russion border. The some mother of all maneuvers so to speak. Many then-thousands soldiers with equipment - tanks, fighters all the fucking shit. So what about them in times of a global pandemic? Let's delay the maneuver!
Ten thousands soldiers waiting at the russion border in a global crisis. Are they fucking kidding me?
And our fucking bundesregime is fucking the constitution, disabling any means to demonstrate, to even gather for discussions with more than fucking 2 people, the parlament is cheering and any so called serious journalist which is approved is going in to homeoffice???
Well it is. So there still is and will remain the real possibility of an attack on russia. NATO doctrine calls this a right for self defence since its beginnings. That's not the end of it. There is so much more to say. But may be you guys here from russia can understand why I am right now totally not in the mood to play wargames against you. Because everybody of you, really each and everyone is a thousand times more my friend than this fucking regime which is calling itself a government.
Thank you very much.
Please, keep conspiracy theories in 4chan where they belong.
The situation may be hard, and everyone needs to learn. Authorities are learning how to deal with constitutional rights during a pandemic. You could learn how exponential growth works (you need to stop it before it looks like a problem, because if it starts looking like a problem, you have a big fucking problem tomorrow, and need to dig mass graves on Hart Island), how parliamentary decisions work (laws are written in the committees, not in the plenum), and what actually is in the curfew orders (of course you can meet with more than 2 people in an apartment, nobody can forbid that because the constitution says so, it's just a fucking bad idea).
Keep calm and listen to Professor Drosten.
And don't go outside, you'll risk sunburn. UV levels are high due to reduced pollution.
And before I forget: there never is time to play war. Nowhere, with nobody. Except in the Echo Cluster.
What you need here is an Enton-Smiley.
Anyway UV is killing viruses. It's one of the most important factors why enjoing the sun with some friends who know basic statistics and have a memory ranging farther in the past then 2 months might actually a good idea.
They are scarce, these friends, though.
So there still is and will remain the real possibility of an attack on russia. NATO doctrine calls this a right for self defence since its beginnings. That's not the end of it. There is so much more to say. But may be you guys here from russia can understand why I am right now totally not in the mood to play wargames against you. Because everybody of you, really each and everyone is a thousand times more my friend than this fucking regime which is calling itself a government.
Thank you very much.
You have big mistake in your mind. Russia is always the main problem.
Right now russian troops killing my friends east of Ukraine. Almost every day ukrainian soldiers die at the front line with our occupied territories. I live 30km from this front line last 6 years. We can hear artillery shells bursting here from time to time.
You'd pray for NATO soldiers, that protects you.
Best regards from Ukraine.
Today, June 22, at exactly 4 o'clock, russian troops near Popasna on a wide front opened fire on our line of defense. The shelling was heard again in Severodonetsk. After some time, our artillery struck back at the enemy, the battle lasted until 5-30.
Best regards from Ukraine.
Sorry lads, but I can't see how any of all this has anything at all to do with the russian members of PlanetCentral. They do a great job at kicking most other players asses (fair play to them) and I very much doubt any of them is responsible for any pandemic, human right violation, military invasion, global warming, illegal whale hunting or rubish TV shows...
I 100% agree with Stephan on that this is not the right place to talk politics or conspiracy. There are plenty of other forums for that. Specially having Russian players amongst us.
Let's just keep enjoying this great game, and hoping all the recent madness in the world comes to an end soon.