Forum for Pleiades 15 (#52)
Sorry I won't be able to do my next turn in time. Need a break for the sunday hostrun (march 22nd).
Sorry I won't be able to do my next turn in time. Need a break for the sunday hostrun (march 22nd).
Fine by me, take whatever time you need.
But don't use the spare time to go out and party.
Hi its me again.
I'll need another break for sunday next week aka easter sunday. Just that one day again.
I'll be on holyday from saturday 20th to monday 29th june.
Thus I'll need a break for the thursday 25th and sunday 28th hostruns respectively.
Thank you very much.
And I'ld appreciate if we could do breaks if darkangel can't turn. War is messy with missed turns.
Thus I'll need a break for the thursday 25th and sunday 28th hostruns respectively.
Pause for a minute to enjoy how the schedule preview now shows host dates after the break