Bugs and Feature Requests for PlanetsCentral and other VGAP software

[Posting] PCC2 to VCR
Thread opener
Posted Wed, 2018-05-02 17:30 GMT

When adding a ship or a base via ship/basescreen to the implemented VCR the experience lvl is not set accordingly but will remain at recruit lvl for both bases and ships.

Further more setting the experience lvl to something else than recruit for the starbase will result in a fight which seems to work right concerning the starbase (it's using torps at the proper lvl) but it will be shown as recruit sb vs recruit ship in the display window right before watching a specific simulation.


[Posting] Re: PCC2 to VCR
Posted Wed, 2018-05-02 17:40 GMT, edited Wed, 2018-05-02 19:08 GMT

When adding a ship or a base via ship/basescreen to the implemented VCR the experience lvl is not set accordingly but will remain at recruit lvl for both bases and ships.

This is fixed in 2.0.4.

Further more setting the experience lvl to something else than recruit for the starbase will result in a fight which seems to work right concerning the starbase (it's using torps at the proper lvl) but it will be shown as recruit sb vs recruit ship in the display window right before watching a specific simulation.

That indeed looks wrong, and will probably play back half-wrong. (The simulator will not use the experienced beam hit odds, for example.)

[Edit]Confirmed, ship/planet simulations will not use experience for playback. Ship/ship simulations will work. As far as I see, the online simulator also does this correctly.[/Edit]


[Posting] Re: PCC2 to VCR
Posted Mon, 2018-06-04 17:18 GMT

I found a problem in the work of the PCС2ng program.
In the last turn of my game I had one fight. When I press the "V" key, a battle window opens where the parties involved in the battle are described. When I want to preview the fight and press the "Play" button, the program closes unexpectedly without any message. This error occur as on my local game as on my game data on PlanetsCentral site.

[Posting] Re: PCC2 to VCR
Posted Wed, 2018-06-06 17:24 GMT

I found a problem in the work of the PCС2ng program.
In the last turn of my game I had one fight. When I press the "V" key, a battle window opens where the parties involved in the battle are described. When I want to preview the fight and press the "Play" button, the program closes unexpectedly without any message. This error occur as on my local game as on my game data on PlanetsCentral site.

Indeed there does seem to be a problem with the Windows version: when I open my North Star 4 VCRs, it hangs for a minute and then displays corrupted text. It's well possible that the same thing causes it to crash for you. I'll check, but don't expect a solution in minutes. c2ng is not yet production grade :)

I mainly test the Linux version and that one runs fine for me.


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.