Bugs and Feature Requests for PlanetsCentral and other VGAP software

[Posting] PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2018-04-26 12:19 GMT

Hi streu,

I got an PCC-crash today multiple times. This means it is about Pleiades 12, turn 59 at FED. It seems to be 'reproduceable'. Which means they have been coming again and again but randomly then pressing F1 at the star chart with several ships (meaning serveral different positions) as well as when giving other commands from the ship screen.

This is what PCC2 is telling me:

The first time it happened when I tried to set up a intercept mission with ship number 202. But since PCC crashed this was not saved and I got more crashes later. For the screen above is telling something about a valid intercept I deleted the only intercept mission I had set at that time (it was ship#204 intercepting s#179). After that I got no more crashes and could end my turn.

And the second thing: It seems I can't upload any files anymore at planetscentral. Is there a reason to that, did I miss an announcement, or did I simply deleat my own authorization to upload files into my folders at PlanetsCentral.com??


[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Posted Thu, 2018-04-26 18:36 GMT

I got an PCC-crash today multiple times. This means it is about Pleiades 12, turn 59 at FED. It seems to be 'reproduceable'. Which means they have been coming again and again but randomly then pressing F1 at the star chart with several ships (meaning serveral different positions) as well as when giving other commands from the ship screen.

This seems to be PCC2 trying to do intercept resolution for movement prediction. This happens whenever PCC2 displays a "list ships" window (the small ship preview in the upper-left quadrant). The code has not been modified since its introduction three years ago... I'll check whether I can find this breaking. It's a delicate algorithm because it has to deal with things like cyclic or chain intercepts.

And the second thing: It seems I can't upload any files anymore at planetscentral. Is there a reason to that, did I miss an announcement, or did I simply deleat my own authorization to upload files into my folders at PlanetsCentral.com??

Do you have a concrete error message?

You cannot normally prevent yourself from uploading files. However, if you have a managed game directory (i.e. one that the host automatically uploads your game data to), you cannot upload most game files there. If you told host "I want my current result always be here", it doesn't make sense to upload another result, right?


[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Posted Thu, 2018-04-26 19:34 GMT

ok, found the crash. It happens if you make an intercept chain A->B->C with increasing Ids. The fix is a one-liner and will be in PCC 2.0.4 which is planned for real soon.


[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2018-04-26 21:30 GMT

Admit it! You just wanted to close that thing!

Fefe about managing bugs - sorry this is funny only in german because the translation is some kind of a workaround... :lol:

[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Posted Fri, 2018-04-27 15:24 GMT

ok, found the crash. It happens if you make an intercept chain A->B->C with increasing Ids. The fix is a one-liner and will be in PCC 2.0.4 which is planned for real soon.


I'm glad that new version of PCC will release. :cool:
Could I write to you my suggestions for next versions of program? :embarassed:

[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Posted Fri, 2018-04-27 19:17 GMT

I'm glad that new version of PCC will release. :cool:
Could I write to you my suggestions for next versions of program?


Best thing is I'll do it, worst thing that can happen is that it ends up in the bug tracker. This is what Seal Team Six gave me for CCC's bug.


[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2018-04-27 20:01 GMT

I'm glad that new version of PCC will release. :cool:
Could I write to you my suggestions for next versions of program?


Best thing is I'll do it, worst thing that can happen is that it ends up in the bug tracker. This is what Seal Team Six gave me for CCC's bug.


Wasn't first time. I remember some really nasty bug with unarmed rigels which I tried to refit with lasers for a reason I don't remember anymore. IIRC the result was a red turn file. From report to hotfix it was something around 24hours too and it was not a one liner at that time... :smile:

Anyway about the upload problem it's probably just a case of Error-sits-in-front-of-keyboard. I just created a folder in a game of mine and uploaded a testfile. Though I thought that I did exactly that the last time and got an error 403 permission denied this time it worked perfectly well. Pls don't bother right now. I'll look into it further and in case I am sure there is a problem other than me myself I'll come back to you. :lol:

[Posting] Re: PCC2 crash and Plantescentral upload
Posted Tue, 2018-05-01 10:12 GMT

Wasn't first time. I remember some really nasty bug with unarmed rigels which I tried to refit with lasers for a reason I don't remember anymore. IIRC the result was a red turn file. From report to hotfix it was something around 24hours too and it was not a one liner at that time... :smile:

For the record: every crash someone cannot workaround deserves its hotfix. This particular release however had been planned already.

Of course I cannot be sure to have fixed the exact problem you encountered. If you encounter a similar problem again, I'd probably need the RST/TRN files.


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.