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[Posting] Software update
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2018-02-16 21:43 GMT

Should I deploy on a Friday? Of course! :smile:

The new-year's software update to the server is now complete. The final component was the host scheduler. The new version has a completely new interior that will allow new and better features in the future.

I have over 100 test cases that try to make sure the new guy behaves as good as the old one. However, please watch out for anomalies in the next few days.


[Posting] Re: Software update
Posted Sun, 2018-02-18 13:24 GMT

I have noticed a bug.

Now we can see which player submitted not final turn. But on the 'games' page race's info is missing.

[Posting] Re: Software update
Thread opener
Posted Sun, 2018-02-18 14:04 GMT

I have noticed a bug.

Now we can see which player submitted not final turn. But on the 'games' page race's info is missing.

Should be fixed now; thanks. Just a missing HTML template.


[Posting] Re: Software update
Posted Fri, 2018-03-02 14:03 GMT

Not sure this is the correct thread but I'ld like to propose a change on the start page.

The latest forum activity is right now used for up to 6 (?) most current posts from the forum. If all these posts belong to one thread, which got quite common now, this is not helpfull at all.

So I'ld rather have listed the 6 most current threads than the 6 most current posts. I think that would help a lot to keep an overview without checking the forum on a dayly basis. :smile:

[Posting] Re: Software update
Thread opener
Posted Wed, 2018-03-07 18:36 GMT

Not sure this is the correct thread but I'ld like to propose a change on the start page.

The latest forum activity is right now used for up to 6 (?) most current posts from the forum. If all these posts belong to one thread, which got quite common now, this is not helpfull at all.

So I'ld rather have listed the 6 most current threads than the 6 most current posts. I think that would help a lot to keep an overview without checking the forum on a dayly basis. :smile:

Well, just a quick note: I saw your suggestion. I also have some ideas how to solve your problem, but if I now start spreading them out here, you'll expect delivery dates :smile:

Many sites nowadays have the equivalent of threads, typically with an article and a few comments, and intermixed with other stuff (think facebook); fully embracing that would need quite some redesign (and probably some data mining I don't want to trouble you with).

My way to stay current is to receive all forum postings by mail.

And if anyone wants to read the forum via NNTP (Thunderbird, tin, ...), I have an experimental implementation of that ready.


Current projects: PCC2 update, c2ng VCR, c2ng online-play

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at