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[Posting] Host a VGAP Site
Thread opener
Posted Sun, 2017-04-30 22:57 GMT


What is needed to host a vgap game site like this one? or circus-maximus? How autotroll works? You use autotroll, right?


[Posting] Re: Host a VGAP Site
Posted Mon, 2017-05-01 08:32 GMT

What is needed to host a vgap game site like this one? or circus-maximus? How autotroll works? You use autotroll, right?

I do not use Autotroll.

PlanetsCentral uses a very custom software stack. It needs a (virtual) server to run (i.e. a server I can put my own C++ software on) and then runs totally unattended. You can download my source code (http://phost.de/~stefan/pcc2dl.html), but unless you are a programmer you can probably not make use of it. The advantage is that it gives the possibility of tight integration. For example, you immediately get the checkturn result after uploading a turn.

AutoTroll in turn mostly run on your home PC and periodically transfers things to and from a regular managed webspace (i.e. a server that can serve only HTML/PHP files and pretty much nothing else). Uploading a turn file just generates a mail to AutoTroll.

CM uses AutoTroll. PlanetsServer used a custom software stack (totally different from mine; I've never seen it).


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.