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[Posting] Help: minefields
Thread opener
Posted 29/Jul/2015, 21:14


I have never used the fcode to lay mines under other player's identity yet. I need to use it now that my enemy launched a massive attack towards my empire. If I use my allied identity there is no problem, I know.

My question is: what happens if I use identity of another race who is not friend of mine? Common sense tells me my ships will explode like my enemies. I want to know if some of you can confirm it.

[Posting] Re: Help: minefields
Thread opener
Posted 29/Jul/2015, 21:18

I failed to find any info in many help pages I have visited.

The only related data I found is about WEB MINEFIELDS, it says the Crystal is inmune to all races minefields (they are the only race who can lay them but what if the identity was enemy).

This specific statement makes me think I am right and minefields launched from my ship with enemy (I mean neutral) identity will also damage my own ships, including the minelayer itself.

[Posting] Re: Help: minefields
Posted 30/Jul/2015, 16:11

Regular mines are, well, regular. If you lay mines in the identity of another race, they will behave 100% like minefields owned by that other race. That means, if the other race is not allied with you, you will blow up. It also means if the minefield overlaps a minefield of yours, the mines will explode. The minefield does not remember that you laid it (thankless bastard!).

This server uses PHost, so web mines behave pretty regular as well (same rules as above). The only Crystal specialty is that Crystals do not lose fuel for being in a web field, no matter who owns that field. But if they do not own it, they risk hitting a mine like everyone else. (In Tim's host, rules for non-Crystal web mines were a little more brittle and I believe different between host versions as well.)

Rules are documented here: http://phost.de/phost4doc/rules.html#mineships

Finally, check the AllowMinefieldIdentity/MineIdNeedsPermission configuration option of your game. These options may be used to disable the minefield identity fcodes. In games on this server, the fcodes are enabled.


[Posting] Re: Help: minefields
Thread opener
Posted 31/Jul/2015, 20:22

If you lay mines in the identity of another race, they will behave 100% like minefields owned by that other race. --Stefan

Thank you very much!

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