Forum for Pleiades 5 (#17)
Hello out there. Anybody still standing?
How about we simply start the game with EE absent? I'm sure noone will miss 1000kt 20 fighterbay carriers with commanders.
Hello out there. Anybody still standing?
How about we simply start the game with EE absent? I'm sure noone will miss 1000kt 20 fighterbay carriers with commanders.
Also hopp ... mach deinen Turn. So schwer kann es ja nicht sein
CU Holger
Hello out there. Anybody still standing?
I hope this game will NOT start without all of 11 players. Better stop and wait for new players, instead of dead ones.
Well then.
I assume PC send a mail to everybody in this game? (though I didn't check my own yet)
Anyway, there are 3 players which did not turn in until now. kaecki and AllanOfDale are new to PC so there is no telling. But Mozart72 did not make a turn since aproximately 20 weeks now.
Guess it's safe to conclude he won't join again. Well - some of you played along with him in these games. So maybe there are other's who can give a more sound opinion.
I assume PC send a mail to everybody in this game? (though I didn't check my own yet)
The server sends mail to everybody in a newly-started game: the initial result file. (It's possible to turn this off, but almost nobody does.)
Anyway, there are 3 players which did not turn in until now. kaecki and AllanOfDale are new to PC so there is no telling.
kaecki is alive and kickin', and has submitted his turn now. I have written a PM to the other two.
kaecki is alive and kickin', and has submitted his turn now. I have written a PM to the other two.
May be you can ask some players from other non-started games, to play this game instead of dead players.
Hi, Mozart was stating some months ago that he resigned from all games - I guess he just forgot that is still active. I state this because he was not submitting turns for more than 4 months. I would propose to replace him and open the slot for someone else.
Cool that you made it AllanOfDale.
Hi, Mozart was stating some months ago that he resigned from all games - I guess he just forgot that is still active. I state this because he was not submitting turns for more than 4 months. I would propose to replace him and open the slot for someone else.
streu can you drop out Mozart? There is probably no point in waiting. Someone already subscribed for Pleiades6. Maybe we should ask him...
€in any case, I sent a PM to kisshead...
streu can you drop out Mozart?
Just what I was going to do this evening.
I have set the host date to next Sunday; I will accelerate the game again when the slot is filled. Otherwise, the game will continue normally.
Cool that you made it AllanOfDale.
Hi, Mozart was stating some months ago that he resigned from all games - I guess he just forgot that is still active. I state this because he was not submitting turns for more than 4 months. I would propose to replace him and open the slot for someone else.
streu can you drop out Mozart? There is probably no point in waiting. Someone already subscribed for Pleiades6. Maybe we should ask him...
€in any case, I sent a PM to kisshead...
Did you already get an answer from kisshead?
If not, what about asking the Players of Pleiades4 not having joined Pleiades5 yet?
I didn't hear anything from kisshead.
By the weay the construction plans for the death star are almost ready - I still have to choose the colours for the bathroom and the torture chamber but everything else looks quite fine. No we work on funding....
By the weay the construction plans for the death star are almost ready - I still have to choose the colours for the bathroom and the torture chamber but everything else looks quite fine. No we work on funding....
FED council voted 348 to 347 to fund DS sanitary facilities in two ways. First you may choose towels from 2 production lines. We got Hello Kitty (pink) and Winny Poo (guess what). Council also could agree to contribute 1500kT water. Well, that was controversal because these water played an important part in some nuclear power plants. Which had to be dismantled exclusively for resources reclamation.
But what can I say - our enginieers did splendidly. So there is only one question left: where exactly shall we send the rebe ... erm .. the frighters?
where exactly shall we send the
rebe... erm .. the frighters?
frighter, n.: combat spacecraft that shoots small flags labeled "bang" instead of projectiles or rayguns. See also: hisss, joke warfare.