Forum for Pleiades 4 (#15)
Hello, i would like to suggest inactive players from the game. "ALEXANDRM" was never transmitting a turn. He is always preventing a early hosting event in the case when all other turns are in. Please kick "ALEXANDRM"!
regards Borg player
How do we do that?
Hello, i would like to suggest inactive players from the game. "ALEXANDRM" was never transmitting a turn. He is always preventing a early hosting event in the case when all other turns are in. Please kick "ALEXANDRM"!
regards Borg player
alexandrm has not submitted a turn for 9 turns in a row. If he has one, he can re-join
alexandrm has not submitted a turn for 9 turns in a row. If he has one, he can re-join
I just happened to see this. Maybe you can add a short script for this case.
I guess AlexandrM joined took a look and decided to not play for whatever reasons. Theres no problem here when you think about joining a game that wasn't originally yours. It would have been certainly polite to immidiately drop out again after having a look so others could have joined instead.
Let's assume he simply forgot to do so - so a short script could probably help here. If a player joins a game which was already running, but didn't submit a turn right the turn he joined, just remove him on the spot. There is no reason to safe him the slot - he can always rejoin as long as noone else joins and submits a turn.
Edith : Maybe the script should also write a message to the player that he was removed by an automated script and not by an admin.