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[Posting] Race colors on site
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2013-11-15 21:51 GMT

I propose to set race colors on game page same as in VPA.

Now the colors used are quite unusual, and there's two yellow colored races... And add standart scores like in VPA, to see all what race have at one screen...

When searching games for playing as replacement, it's not clear now

[Posting] Re: Race colors on site
Posted Sat, 2013-11-16 17:02 GMT

I propose to set race colors on game page same as in VPA.

Now the colors used are quite unusual, and there's two yellow colored races...

The color scheme is the same as used in PCC. Might be less usual than VPA's according to user count, but almost equally old :-) Regarding two yellows: the other one is orange, and even if you can just distinguish 16 colors like all males, you should be able to distinguish those :)

I am considering adding multiple skins to the site. However, I was originally more thinking of desktop-vs-mobile, not PCC-vs-VPA-colors.

And add standart scores like in VPA, to see all what race have at one screen...

When searching games for playing as replacement, it's not clear now

The game page is pretty overloaded already, so I won't add this to the default view, but on a separate page would probably be not too bad (like the different tabs for what-chart-you-want-to-see).


[Posting] Re: Race colors on site
Posted Sat, 2013-12-07 05:53 GMT

siba: I propose to set race colors on game page .. as in VPA. .. two yellow colored races...

streu: The color scheme is the same as used in PCC. Might be less usual than VPA's according to user count, but almost equally old :-) Regarding two yellows: the other one is orange, and even if you can just distinguish 16 colors like all males, you should be able to distinguish those :)

actually, i am in the small group of males who cannot see 16 colors, so while i can (usually, or, only occasionally) see that those two colors are different, i cannot tell which is what, meaning if those two colors are located in different locations, i cannot match them with their correct alternate location color...

siba: And add standard scores like in VPA, to see all what race have at one screen...

streu: The game page is pretty overloaded already, so I won't add this to the default view, but on a separate page would probably be not too bad (like the different tabs for what-chart-you-want-to-see).

that, Stefan, is a most excellent idea !

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