Forum for Just a Second (#2)

[Posting] Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Sun, 2012-12-23 16:51 GMT

Greetings brave warriors,

this is the second game on the server. It re-uses the experience from the first one. In particular, the configuration oversights have been fixed. If it works well, I'll post more games.

This game is for real. You will get ranking system points. You will get penalty for missing turns. This is your chance to get the first promotion on PlanetsCentral!

Nonetheless, this is a "beta" game. If you find bugs or inconsistencies, don't hesitate to tell me (using the Bugs forum, PM, or email).


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 1 (The Feds)
Posted Mon, 2012-12-24 07:10 GMT, edited Mon, 2012-12-24 07:10 GMT


linku starto! Or something like that. Anyway I am in. :D

And by the way merry christmas everybody who bothers. ;-)

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 7 (The Crystal People)
Posted Mon, 2012-12-24 21:41 GMT

hmmm maybe I missed it but is there a way to get the pconfig before the game starts, or maybe to have a look at it?

I am registered for the game already so I don't really mind, but there are often people who like to have a look in advance before chosing a race.. ;)

That'll be nice! :) ty ^^

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Tue, 2012-12-25 14:29 GMT

hmmm maybe I missed it but is there a way to get the pconfig before the game starts, or maybe to have a look at it?

I am registered for the game already so I don't really mind, but there are often people who like to have a look in advance before chosing a race.. ;)

This possibility isn't yet there, and I'm not yet entirely sure how to solve it. The configuration is not generated until the game is mastered.

If you click on "PList 2.4" in the game description, you'll end up at which has the ship list files and the ship-list specific configuration fragment. No such thing exists for the Host and other add-ons yet.


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 6 (The Cyborg)
Posted Wed, 2012-12-26 05:39 GMT

streu: The (host?) configuration is not generated until the game is mastered.

THost allows for hconfig to be run before the game starts. are you saying that PHost does not have that ability?

[IIRC, what i do is run the hconfig on an existing game, and copy the file over to the new game directory.]

anyway, this is my first public game start since 2000, as well as my first PHost game, first time to play the Borg, and first experience with the ship list changes. all this will probably give me problems, but at least i am willing to give it a try. hopefully i can handle it.

Merry Christmas to all ! ! GhostWriter

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Wed, 2012-12-26 10:27 GMT

streu: The (host?) configuration is not generated until the game is mastered.

THost allows for hconfig to be run before the game starts. are you saying that PHost does not have that ability?

Of course PHost has this ability, and it's actually a good idea to configure the game before starting it.

However, this server works a little different. When the game starts, it builds the configuration from a default configuration and everything that's required by the ship list and all add-ons. It cannot be done earlier because these settings could all change until the game starts. To know this configuration beforehand, that process would have to be duplicated.

Here's the configuration file for the game started on my test server, which should be identical to the "real" one:

#  PHost 4 Configuration File -- Simple Version
#  This is a simple configuration file for starters. It contains only
#  the required parameters; all the little "unimportant" ones were left
#  out.
#  This configures a "standard" game with PBP build queue, all PHost
#  features on (except remote control which is confusing to many
#  beginners). The choice of battle type is done with the shiplist.txt
#  file.
#  This file does not contain a %PCONTROL section; add one if you wish
#  to have add-ons in your game. "complete.src" contains a pcontrol
#  section which you can copy.


#  Overall game characteristics

  GameName                        = Just a Second
  AllowRegisteredFunctions        = Yes
  ScoringMethod                   = Compatible
  NumShips                        = 500

  AllowPlayerMessages             = Yes
  AllowAnonymousMessages          = Yes

  CPEnableGive                    = Yes
  CPEnableAllies                  = Yes
  CPEnableRaceName                = Yes
  CPEnableRemote                  = No

# WraparoundRectangle is only used when AllowWraparoundMap is Yes.
# On a "flat" map, the map is as big as it is.
  AllowWraparoundMap              = Yes
  WraparoundRectangle             = 1000,1000,3000,3000

#  Player Preferences
#  Players can change these using CP commands. You can turn off the
#  "Language" command if you only have the plangeng.hst language file.
#  In "Language", the first element is the Host's choice of language.
#  All other settings are "No" (conservative defaults that work with
#  all clients).
  Language                        = English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English
  AllowMoreThan50Targets          = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No
  FilterPlayerMessages            = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No
  AllowMoreThan500Minefields      = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

  CPEnableLanguage                = Yes

#  Minefields

## General

  AllowMinefields                 = Yes
  AllowWebMines                   = Yes
  MineDecayRate                   = 5
  MaximumMinefieldRadius          = 200
  CPNumMinefields                 = 500

## Movement through Mines

  MineHitOdds                     = 1
  WebMineHitOdds                  = 5
  MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10       = 5
  HullTechNotSlowedByMines        = 7

## Mine Sweeping

  MineScanRange                   = 250
  AllowMinesDestroyMines          = Yes

# Note that because Mine Sweeping happens after decay in PHost, the sweep
# ranges must be larger than in THost to yield roughly the same results.
  MineSweepRate                   = 4
  MineSweepRange                  = 5
  WebMineSweepRate                = 3
  WebMineSweepRange               = 3
  FighterSweepRate                = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15
  FighterSweepRange               = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,80
  AllowColoniesSweepWebs          = No

### Ion Storms

  IonStormActivity                = 5
  IonStormsHideMines              = Yes

#  Planets (Production)

  RaceMiningRate                  = 70,200,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100
  ProductionRate                  = 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100

  StructureDecayPerTurn           = 1
  StructureDecayOnUnowned         = 1

  ColonistTaxRate                 = 200,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100
  MaxPlanetaryIncome              = 6000

  ClimateLimitsPopulation         = Yes
  AllowEatingSupplies             = Yes
  ClimateDeathRate                = 3

  BorgAssimilationRate            = 100

#  Planets (Combat)

  GroundKillFactor                = 1,30,1,15,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
  GroundDefenseFactor             = 1,10,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

  FreeFighters                    = 0,0,1,1,1,1,1,15,0,0,0
  AllowPlanetAttacks              = Yes

#  Ships (Building)

  AllowPriorityBuild              = Yes
  BuildQueue                      = PBP
  BuildChangeRelativePenalty      = 100
  BuildPointReport                = Allies

  RecycleRate                     = 75
  AllowShipCloning                = Yes
  ShipCloneCostRate               = 300,300,200,200,2000,200,1000,200,200,300,200

## PBP Building
  PBPCostPer100KT                 = 250
  PBPMinimumCost                  = 500
  PBPCloneCostRate                = 200

## Ship Build Queue
# (The SBQ parameters are ignored when you use a PBP queue. We just
# show the defaults for a PAL queue.)
  SBQBuildPALBoost                = 1
  SBQNewBuildPALBoost             = 1
  SBQPointsForAging               = 1200
  SBQBuildChangePenalty           = 0
  SBQBoostExpX100                 = 0

## Acquiring PALs
# The idea behind a PAL queue is that you have to destroy 2N kt mass
# to be granted a N kt priority build.
  PALDecayPerTurn                 = 0
  PALPlayerRate                   = 100
  PALCombatAggressor              = 0
  PALAggressorPointsPer10KT       = 2
  PALOpponentPointsPer10KT        = 2
  PALAggressorKillPointsPer10KT   = 8
  PALOpponentKillPointsPer10KT    = 8
  PALCombatPlanetScaling          = 80
  PALCombatBaseScaling            = 120
  PALShipCapturePer10Crew         = 0
  PALRecyclingPer10KT             = 10
  PALBoardingPartyPer10Crew       = 0
  PALGroundAttackPer100Clans      = 0
  PALGloryDevice                  = 0
  PALGloryDevicePer10KT           = 10
  PALGloryDamagePer10KT           = 2
  PALGloryKillPer10KT             = 8
  PALImperialAssault              = 0
  PALRGA                          = 0
  PALPillage                      = 0
  PALIncludesESB                  = No
  PALShipMinekillPer10KT          = 4

## Ships (Movement)

  AllowNoFuelMovement             = No

## Ships (Missions)
  AllowBuildFighters              = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes

  AllowDeluxeSuperSpy             = Yes
  AllowRebelGroundAttack          = Yes
  AllowSuperRefit                 = Yes
  AllowHiss                       = Yes

  AllowExtendedMissions           = Yes
  AllowBeamUpClans                = Yes
  AllowBeamUpMultiple             = Yes

## Cloak
  CloakFailureRate                = 0
  CloakFuelBurn                   = 5
  DamageLevelForCloakFail         = 21
  AllowCloakedShipsAttack         = Yes
  AlternativeAntiCloak            = Yes
  AntiCloakImmunity               = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

## Rob
  RobCloakedShips                 = No
  RobFailureOdds                  = 5

## Tow
  AllowOneEngineTowing            = No
  AllowBoardingParties            = Yes
  TowedShipsBreakFree             = Yes
  AllowTowCloakedShips            = No
  AllowAlternativeTowing          = Yes

## Scanners
  ScanRange                       = 300
  SensorRange                     = 250
  DarkSenseRange                  = 200
  ExtendedSensorSweep             = Yes

# Ships (Combat)

  AllowFedCombatBonus             = Yes

#   Wormholes

  AllowWormholes                  = Yes
  WrmVoluntaryTravel              = Yes
  WrmTravelCloaked                = No
  WormholeUFOsStartAt             = 51

% phost

AllowAlternativeCombat = Yes
AllowEngineShieldBonus = Yes
AllowESBonusAgainstPlanets = Yes
BayLaunchInterval = 2
BayRechargeBonus = 1
BayRechargeRate = 40
BeamFiringRange = 25000
BeamHitBonus = 12
BeamHitFighterCharge = 460
BeamHitFighterRange = 100000
BeamHitOdds = 70
BeamHitShipCharge = 600
BeamRechargeBonus = 4
BeamRechargeRate = 4
CloakedMineTravelSafeWarp = 2
CloakMineOddsWarpBonusX100 = 5
CrewKillScaling = 30
DamageLevelForChunnelFail = 11
EModBayRechargeBonus = 0,0,0,0
EModBayRechargeRate = 4,8,5,0
EModBeamHitBonus = 2,2,3,5
EModBeamHitFighterCharge = 0,0,0,0
EModBeamHitOdds = 4,4,5,8
EModBeamRechargeBonus = 0,0,1,1
EModBeamRechargeRate = 0,1,1,2
EModCrewKillScaling = -3,-6,-9,-12
EModEngineShieldBonusRate = 2,4,6,8
EModExtraFighterBays = 0,0,1,1
EModFighterBeamExplosive = 0,0,0,0
EModFighterBeamKill = 0,0,0,0
EModFighterMovementSpeed = 0,0,0,0
EModHullDamageScaling = 0
EModMaxFightersLaunched = 2,4,4,4
EModPlanetaryTorpsPerTube = 0,0,0,0
EModShieldDamageScaling = 0
EModShieldKillScaling = 0
EModStrikesPerFighter = 0,0,0,1
EModTorpHitBonus = 1,2,3,4
EModTorpHitOdds = 1,2,3,5
EModTubeRechargeBonus = 1,1,2,3
EModTubeRechargeRate = 1,2,3,5
EngineShieldBonusRate = 20
EPTrainingScale = 55,48,55,55,80,52,55,48,71,67,67
ExtraFighterBays = 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
FighterBeamExplosive = 9
FighterBeamKill = 9
FighterFiringRange = 3000
FighterKillOdds = 10
FighterMovementSpeed = 300
FireOnAttackFighters = Yes
HullDamageScaling = 20
MaxFightersLaunched = 30
MaxShipsHissing = 10
MeteorShowerOdds = 2
MineTravelSafeWarp = 2
PlanetaryTorpsPerTube = 0
PlanetsHaveTubes = No
RamScoopFuelPerLY = 1
RGANeedsBeams = Yes
RoundGravityWells = Yes
ShieldDamageScaling = 40
ShieldKillScaling = 0
ShipMovementSpeed = 100
StandoffDistance = 10000
StrikesPerFighter = 5
TorpFiringRange = 30000
TorpHitBonus = 13
TorpHitOdds = 50
TowStrengthDistanceScale = 9
TowStrengthEngineScale = 1
TubeRechargeBonus = 7
TubeRechargeRate = 30
WrmScanRange = 150
[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 6 (The Cyborg)
Posted Thu, 2012-12-27 01:48 GMT

streu: The (host?) configuration is not generated until the game is mastered. .. However, this server works a little different.

streu: Here's the configuration file for the game started on my test server...

Language = English,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,English

AllowMoreThan50Targets = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

FilterPlayerMessages = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

AllowMoreThan500Minefields = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No /streu

just curious: why 'English' twelve times, but only eleven "No"s on each line?

streu: Note that because Mine Sweeping happens after decay in PHost, the sweep ranges must be larger than in THost to yield roughly the same results.

MineSweepRate = 4

MineSweepRange = 5

WebMineSweepRate = 3

WebMineSweepRange = 3 /streu

but, but, but, those first two numbers are the same as THost... ;)

streu: Ion Storms; IonStormActivity = 5

? ? ? [this is none?]

streu: FreeFighters = 0,0,1,1,1,1,1,15,0,0,0

interesting !

streu: BuildChangeRelativePenalty = 100

what does this mean?

OK, some of the PBP stuff is new to me, as well as most/all of the PAL, SBQ, & phost stuff.

just a few more questions at this time:

AntiCloakImmunity = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

is no one decloaked by the "Loki", or, everyone ?

WormholeUFOsStartAt = 51

EPTrainingScale = 55,48,55,55,80,52,55,48,71,67,67

what do these mean ? also, what is a(n) UFO ?

WrmScanRange = 150

wormhole visible at 150 LYs?

thanks in advance, GhostWriter

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2012-12-27 11:46 GMT
Language = English,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,English
AllowMoreThan50Targets     = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No
FilterPlayerMessages       = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No
AllowMoreThan500Minefields = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

just curious: why 'English' twelve times, but only eleven "No"s on each line?

The first entry in Language is the language host.log is written in. See

Note that because Mine Sweeping happens after decay in PHost, the sweep ranges must be larger than in THost to yield roughly the same results.

MineSweepRate       = 4
MineSweepRange      = 5
WebMineSweepRate    = 3
WebMineSweepRange   = 3

but, but, but, those first two numbers are the same as THost... ;)

Those are the values that are used with most PHost games I played. The most important one is the WebMineSweepRange, to allow people to reach web fields without getting in danger.

Ion Storms; IonStormActivity = 5

? ? ? [this is none?]

Nice observation, it seems that the "no ion storms" building block didn't work as intended; I'll fix it. That should be 0.

FreeFighters = 0,0,1,1,1,1,1,15,0,0,0

interesting !

Again, conventional PHost/PList setting.

BuildChangeRelativePenalty = 100

what does this mean?

OK, some of the PBP stuff is new to me, as well as most/all of the PAL, SBQ, & phost stuff.

This means you lose your build queue position when you change your build order.

If that's your first PHost game - read the docs. A good starting point is

just a few more questions at this time:

AntiCloakImmunity = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No

is no one decloaked by the "Loki", or, everyone ?

This means Fed, Lizard, Bird are not immune to Lokis just for being Fed, Lizard, Bird. Everyone is immune to their own Lokis.

WormholeUFOsStartAt = 51

EPTrainingScale = 55,48,55,55,80,52,55,48,71,67,67

what do these mean ? also, what is a(n) UFO ?

WrmScanRange = 150

wormhole visible at 150 LYs?

Please, for questions "what does option X do", read the documentation. That's probably more useful than cut&pasting the docs here.

This game will use wormholes. Those are reported in the data files as "Ufos". You will need a client program that can display Ufos. Those are at least Winplan, VPA, PCC 1.x, PCC2, EchoView (but not Dosplan or Informer). WormholeUfosStartAt just says where they are placed in the data file. This is to coordinate Ufo placement between programs and has no effect upon you.

EPTrainingScale pertains, like all "EP" and "EMod" options, to the experience point system of PHost 4. Since that is not used in this game, this option has no effect.


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Posted Thu, 2013-01-03 01:39 GMT

I got a simple question I feel. How big of a learning curve is Phost from Thost, this is my first Phost game.

I'm played Tim host enough to know most the ins and outs, and I'm excited to give Phost a try, mostly because I've read the races are more evenly matched then in the old Tim host ship lists, which in some cases were borderline rock, paper, scissors.

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2013-01-03 18:37 GMT

I got a simple question I feel. How big of a learning curve is Phost from Thost, this is my first Phost game.

I'm played Tim host enough to know most the ins and outs, and I'm excited to give Phost a try, mostly because I've read the races are more evenly matched then in the old Tim host ship lists, which in some cases were borderline rock, paper, scissors.

PHost does have differences, and this particular game is not configured to be particularily "Tim-Host-like" (however, the most-confusing feature for new players, Remote Control, is turned off). If you have not played PHost yet, you should definitively read

People are different. I know people who found PHost+PList quite natural to play. Others, in particular those who memorized the original ship list inside-out, may have more problems getting used to it.

This is a new server. If we get enough players to make it possible, I will offer more games, and among those will be games in "PHost-trying-to-be-Tim's-Host" mode. (Using actual Tim-Host is technically very challenging, and I've not yet decided whether to try it.) So if you know someone who likes to play, bring them in :-)


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 11 (The Colonies)
Posted Sat, 2013-01-19 18:46 GMT

I got a simple question I feel. How big of a learning curve is Phost from Thost, this is my first Phost game.

I'm played Tim host enough to know most the ins and outs, and I'm excited to give Phost a try, mostly because I've read the races are more evenly matched then in the old Tim host ship lists, which in some cases were borderline rock, paper, scissors.

PHost does have differences, and this particular game is not configured to be particularily "Tim-Host-like" (however, the most-confusing feature for new players, Remote Control, is turned off). If you have not played PHost yet, you should definitively read

People are different. I know people who found PHost+PList quite natural to play. Others, in particular those who memorized the original ship list inside-out, may have more problems getting used to it.

This is a new server. If we get enough players to make it possible, I will offer more games, and among those will be games in "PHost-trying-to-be-Tim's-Host" mode. (Using actual Tim-Host is technically very challenging, and I've not yet decided whether to try it.) So if you know someone who likes to play, bring them in :-)


I would also recommend looking the PList ships and function if you haven't played with PList before.

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Posted Sat, 2013-01-19 19:52 GMT

I would also recommend looking the PList ships and function if you haven't played with PList before.

I'll admit I've been looking over the ship lists, and I notice the ships are a lot more expensive, so I imagine either a lot of the mid tech level warships are built to supplement, or minerals just come at a greater rate on planets(perhaps they have more in the ground or meteors being stupidly common).

This also raises another question, are alliances going to be forged in this game or are we going every man for himself kind of win?

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 11 (The Colonies)
Posted Sat, 2013-01-19 20:36 GMT, edited Sat, 2013-01-19 20:37 GMT

I would also recommend looking the PList ships and function if you haven't played with PList before.

I'll admit I've been looking over the ship lists, and I notice the ships are a lot more expensive, so I imagine either a lot of the mid tech level warships are built to supplement, or minerals just come at a greater rate on planets(perhaps they have more in the ground or meteors being stupidly common).

This also raises another question, are alliances going to be forged in this game or are we going every man for himself kind of win?

With PList, there is 3 different flavors Light, Standard and Heavy. I'm not really sure which one we are plying.

Hey Stefan, which one are we playing? Tell me it's not Heavy.

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Sat, 2013-01-19 22:53 GMT

With PList, there is 3 different flavors Light, Standard and Heavy. I'm not really sure which one we are plying.

Hey Stefan, which one are we playing? Tell me it's not Heavy.

It's the Standard version. It's version 2.4, without these complicated new hull functions, so it should be one of the "simpler" PList games.

On the game overview page, you can click at the ship list name, and there you can download the ship list files. A spiffy viewer is still missing, but you can use CCShips :-)


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 11 (The Colonies)
Posted Sat, 2013-01-19 23:15 GMT

It's the Standard version. It's version 2.4, without these complicated new hull functions, so it should be one of the "simpler" PList games.



No nice little functions. Maybe soon.

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Sun, 2013-01-20 15:35 GMT

It's the Standard version. It's version 2.4, without these complicated new hull functions, so it should be one of the "simpler" PList games.


No nice little functions. Maybe soon.

The server is ready to run many games. We just need many players. And I'll have to test the configs first...

JFTR: I added a very simple ship list viewer to the staging area,


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Player 11 (The Colonies)
Posted Sun, 2013-01-20 15:49 GMT

JFTR: I added a very simple ship list viewer to the staging area,


COOL! Thanks for the viewer, it will make things easier.

I'll keep watching for more PHost/PList games.

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Posted Fri, 2013-01-25 19:06 GMT

I read somewhere that the "SSD" or imperial Assault ship does not grant planet immunity in P-Host somewhere, but I can't seem to find it now.

Anyhow, is that true in p-Host? If so what exactly is the point of the ship when they could just att or nuk the ship. Even if the planet/base would die fighting the Galleon or whatever it's called, it sounds like you can't exactly capture anything with it anymore if the opponent really doesn't want it too.

[Posting] Re: Welcome
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2013-01-25 20:26 GMT

I read somewhere that the "SSD" or imperial Assault ship does not grant planet immunity in P-Host somewhere, but I can't seem to find it now.

Anyhow, is that true in p-Host?

The Imperial Assault ship is called "DRAKLOR CLASS STAR GALLEON" (it's not the "SUPER CLASS STAR DESTROYER"!) in PList, and it has planet immunity.

Maybe you're referring to the description here, which says that a ship configured to have just the Imperial Assault function does not automatically get Planet Immunity, i.e. one can configure IA ships that are not immune. PList 2.4 of course configures the assault ship to be immune. (And, I have just checked the host config just to be sure...)


[Posting] Re: Welcome
Posted Fri, 2013-01-25 20:37 GMT

I read somewhere that the "SSD" or imperial Assault ship does not grant planet immunity in P-Host somewhere, but I can't seem to find it now.

Anyhow, is that true in p-Host?

The Imperial Assault ship is called "DRAKLOR CLASS STAR GALLEON" (it's not the "SUPER CLASS STAR DESTROYER"!) in PList, and it has planet immunity.

Maybe you're referring to the description here, which says that a ship configured to have just the Imperial Assault function does not automatically get Planet Immunity, i.e. one can configure IA ships that are not immune. PList 2.4 of course configures the assault ship to be immune. (And, I have just checked the host config just to be sure...)


That was not the exact place my brother showed me that, but that is more or less what I read yes. I thank you for clarifying that. In my experience SSDs rarely get to actually IA any planet worth a damn, but it's still good for attacking Borg Outpost Bases and combined with Dark Sense is a good incentive to force an opponent to fight it's escorts ;)

Thanks Stefan

[Posting] AMaster, TimMaster
Player 6 (The Cyborg)
Posted Wed, 2013-01-30 14:13 GMT, edited Wed, 2013-01-30 14:13 GMT

i remember from TimMaster that games were "defined" as random rich, random (?), random poor, etc. granted, i do not know what those words meant in terms of extraction rates (min, max, average, ect.)

anyway, most games that i mastered had a mineral range (extraction rate) of 10 to 100, which if distributed evenly would give you an average extraction rate of 55 per planet per resource.

now, my question. what is the min, max, average, median, and mode extraction rate for Just a Second ? you may omit any part of the question if it requires more than a minimum amount of effort.

please do not answer this question in this thread, as i have already asked this question in the Just a Second forum. i am posting this message so that anyone interested in the answer may look at the other thread.

Thank You. GhostWriter

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at