LMF (lay minefield; planet friendly code)
The starbase will lay all its torpedoes as mines. It is not possible to lay only a fraction of the stored torpedoes, or lay a minefield in another player's identity. Otherwise, rules are similar to regular mine laying with starships:
If the starbase is inside one of your minefields, it will enlarge that field; otherwise, it will make a new one.
Torpedoes are converted into mine units using the formula
Mine_Units = Num_Torps * (Torp_slot ^ 2)
The Robotic 4x advantage is not active for starbases!
If the maximum minefield radius has been reached, no more torpedoes will be laid.
LWF (lay web field; planet friendly code)
This friendly code can only be used by Crystals (as determined by PHost's PlayerSpecialMission configuration). It works like LMF but will lay a web minefield.
SMF (sweep minefield; planet friendly code)
This friendly code causes the starbase to use its beams and fighters to sweep mines. Beams use the following rules:
Num_Beams = Trunc(Base_Defense / 20)
Mine_Units = (Beam_Tech ^ 2) * Num_Beams * Rate
The Rate is configured as BeamSweepRate, BeamWebSweepRate depending on the mine field type. The minefield must be within a range of BeamSweepRange.
Fighters differ between Colonies (as determined by PHost's PlayerRace option) and others:
- Colonial fighters will sweep 25 mine units each, within a range of 100 ly. If PHost's AllowColoniesSweepWebs is enabled, they will also sweep FtrSweepRate webs.
others' fighters will sweep FtrSweepRate each. The range is determined by the base's tech levels
Trunc((Hull_Tech + Engine_Tech + Beam_Tech) / 3) * 10
Non-Colonial fighters cannot sweep webs.
You will sweep all enemy minefields (that is, not yours, and not owned by someone you have a bidirectional mine-level alliance with).
MSC (mine scoop; planet friendly code)
This friendly code causes the starbase to gather up the mines from an own minefield and convert it into torpedoes. The starbase will gather up all applicable minefields in BeamSweepRange and produce torpedoes of the best-possible type the starbase can currently build (that is, if you have torpedo tech 6, it will produce the best torpedo type that can be built with tech 6).
Mines are converted to torpedoes at the same rate as for laying.