- Version 4.1 crashed when player 11 was using a Language which was not used by anyone else in the game. Found by Markus Rektor. Another side-effect of the switch to the new language code was a control statement appearing on top of the wormhole scan message, causing VPA not to understand it. Found by Andreas Huettner. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- Mines Destroy Mines could leave some overlaps around due to rounding errors. PHost now removes these as well. This can make mines lose a few more units than before. This also means PHost now generates util.dat record 53. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- Non-existent planet lists were not sent until now due to an oversight. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- Several ways to crash PHost with a floating-point exception or get it into an infinite loop have been blocked. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- When the refit command was used, PHost was not properly unloading torpedoes before, and transformed them into a better type. Found by Mathias Kaeckenmeister. (v4.1a)
- Ion storms were stored in host data files using wrong data format. This has been fixed, PHost now uses the same file format as Tim's host. (v4.1a)
- Minefield friendly codes are now computed more often. When add-ons were used, friendly code assignments could have stayed around longer than expected. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- After a base is given away or otherwise changes ownership, it could have kept more defense than allowed by its new owner. The excess defense is now destroyed, much like fighters in the same situation. (v4.1a)
- util.dat record 6 was reporting six industry levels, whereas the message only reported five. They are now equivalent. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- The Rob mission now also robs cash from transporters, in the same way it robs minerals and supplies. (v4.1a)
- An overflow during computation of mining rates made it impossible to mine more than 655 kt of a mineral each turn; instead, the amount "wraps around". Found by Alex Timofeev. Bug only in 4.1 and 4.1a. (v4.1b)
- Unclonable didn't work until now. Don't ask.... Reported by Holger Bauer. (v4.1c)
- Some clients generate build orders with a defined beam type but a beam count of zero (instead of setting both to zero if user doesn't want a beam). PHost was not always detecting and fixing this anomaly consistently, causing those build orders to be reset to the end of the queue when the player misses a turn. Reported by Heiko Schlenker. (v4.1c/3.5c)
- PHost now cancels Intercept missions during intercept resolution (part of movement) if they fail because the target got destroyed or cloaked. This prevents them from accidentally popping up later, which allowed players to track ships they shouldn't be able to track under various circumstances. Pointed out by Patrick de Groot. (v4.1c/3.5c)
- PHost sometimes generated native races or governments that should not appear according to configuration. (v4.1c)
- When minefields overlap, mine hits are now accounted to minefield owners in a more fair way. (v4.1c/3.5c)
- The auxcmds.txt parser could get confused by strategically-placed spaces, causing it to ignore or misinterpret commands. (v4.1c/3.5c)
- PHost could crash when some very specific tow chains with more than four ships were used. Found in classic179 @ planetsserver. (v4.1d/3.5d)
- PHost could crash when receiving certain incomplete command processor commands. (v4.1e/3.5e)
- CPEnableShow = Allies didn't work. (v4.1e)
- When producing a DOS-style RST file, PHost now produces the same set of targets on all platforms. In addition, targets are now sorted. (v4.1e/3.5e)
- PHost would produce invalid data when the refit command was used to upgrade a ship from no weapons to Laser/Mark 1. Found by ComCitCat at PlanetsCentral. (v4.1h)
Version 20250307-T