Default: none

Numeric Value: 22

Ungiveable ships can not be given away.

A give command and the gsX friendly code will be ignored. A starbase's Force surrender mission can not take over these ships. When it tries to, and would succeed, the automatic intruder detection will explode the ship. When the starbase owner offers a planet level alliance to the ship owner, the ship will just remain there.

You can still take over these ships by capturing them in combat, and by boarding them.

This special ability is intended to enforce trading rules ("you may not trade ships over 400 kt"). Because it is impossible to tell apart "friendly" and "hostile" surrendering from the host side, we decided to block "Force surrender". Capturing was left possible because we believed taking it out would change the game too much. Boarding was left enabled because taking it out would remove one key race ability of Crystals and Privateers.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at