("Give Ship") Gives a ship away to another race. The receiving race is encoded in the third letter of the friendly code:

  • gs1 gives the ship to the Feds
  • gs2 gives the ship to the Lizards
  • ...
  • gsa gives the ship to the Rebels
  • gsb gives the ship to the Colonies

Ship givings are simultaneous, that is you can exchange a ship with a friend by setting the appropriate gsX codes on both ships.

This command is perfectly identical to the give ship command; see there for more details. Note that, unlike that command, this friendly code cannot be disabled by the host in PHost up to version 4.0i (in 4.0j and later, CPEnableGive affects gsX as well).


  • The receiving race must have ship or planet at the same location (type, cloak, cargo etc. does not matter).
  • Ship must not be ungiveable
  • The ship does not need fuel for the trade.

Relevant PControl Stage: TransferOwner

Relevant Configuration Option: CPEnableGive

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.