Stage name: CargoDump

For each ship in Id order, drops cargo. This includes the standard ship/foreign-planet cargo transfer (order given through the client interface or the unload command), as well as the bdm friendly code and the Beam Down Credits mission.

  • If ship is at an unowned planet, cargo is just unloaded onto it. If ship beams down colonists, the planet is colonized.
  • If ship is at a foreign planet, cargo is unloaded. If colonists are beamed down and planet and ship are not allied, ground combat or Imperial Assault happens.
  • If the ship is at a planet owned by the same player, it will simply unload cargo. Normally, same-race transfers are performed client-side and are already processed in phase 1 (turn processing). However, same-race transfers may still remain in case a unit changes ownership or is under remote control.
  • If ship is in free space, cargo is jettisoned, i.e. destroyed.

This stage cannot be skipped (cargo transporters must be empty during rest of host run).

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at