Default: 69 (Super Star Destroyer)

Numeric Value: 11

The Imperial Assault is a special form of ground attack. When the Super Star Destroyer beams down at least 10 clans to a planet, these clans -- stormtroops actually -- will take over the planet, no matter how many clans defend the planet.

Preconditions for Imperial Assault:

  • Ship has fuel (else the cargo transfer fails)
  • Ship is not damaged
  • Ship is dropping at least 10 clans
  • Planet owner does not offer planet level alliance to ship owner

Imperial assault will kill all clans on the planet and replace them by the just unloaded people.

In versions up to 4.0h, Imperial Assault ships are immune to ATT and NUK when Imperial Assault is enabled. In 4.0i and later, they must have the PlanetImmunity function for that.

Relevant PControl Stage: CargoDump (Id order)

Relevant Configuration Option: AllowImperialAssault.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at