Buildings affect your visibility to Sensor Sweep.
Industry_detection_chance = 0% ...if Mines < MinesForDetectable and Factories < FactoriesForDetectable 0% ...if Defense ≥ DefenseForUndetectable 100% - (Defense / DefenseForUndetectable * 100%) all other cases Industry_level_reported = "minimal" ...if (Mines + Factories) < 30 "light" ...if (Mines + Factories) < 60 "moderate" ...if (Mines + Factories) < 90 "substantial" ...if (Mines + Factories) < 120 "heavy" ...if (Mines + Factories) ≥ 120 Bioscan_detection_chance = 0% ...if Defense ≥ 20 0% ...if ship does not have bioscanner (of course :-) 100% ...if ship has full bioscanner 20% ...otherwise