With the PAL system, you generally reward people for risky actions. The default configuration reflects that and gives points for many things. The numbers have otherwise just been pulled out of a hat; nowadays there exist much better configurations than PHost's internal defaults.

With the PBP system, you generally reward only actions that lead to destruction of ships, and thus make ship slots available. It is very common to configure the game such that building an N kiloton ship costs twice as many PBPs as destroying it.

With the FIFO system, build points are not used, so the values of the PALxxx options does not matter. You may still use it as some kind of activity score.


PALBoardingPartyPer10Crew      = 3

Points for every 10 crew members on a ship that was boarded by the Privateers or Crystals. No points are awarded if the boarded ship's owner is an ally of the boarding player.

Glory Device

PALGloryDevice                 = 100
PALGloryDevicePer10KT          = 0

Points for detonating a Glory Device. These points are awarded to the owner of the Glory Device ship. With the first option, you can give a fixed number of points per Glory ship (the traditional way). You can use the second option to give mass-related points. For example, with PALGloryDevice = 50 and PALGloryDevicePer10KT = 3, detonating a 120 kt Glory Device ship would give 50 + 3*12 = 86 points.

PALGloryDamagePer10KT          = 2

Points for every 10 kt of enemy hull mass damaged by a Glory Device. These points are awarded to the owner of the Glory Device ship, and are scaled by the damage inflicted. Ships owned by that player or one of his allies are not credited.

PALGloryKillPer10KT            = 0

Points for every 10 kt of enemy hull mass destroyed by a Glory Device. These points are awarded to the owner of the Glory Device ship, and are given in addition to the damage points. Ships owned by that player or one of his allies are not credited.

Ground Attack & co

PALGroundAttackPer100Clans     = 100

Points for every 100 clans killed using a standard ground attack (i.e. not imperial assault). These points are automatically multiplied by the defender's ground defense factor, and divided by the attacker's ground attack factor (that is, killing Lizard clans gives you more points than killing Bird Men). The defending player receives no points. No points are awarded if the planet is owned by an ally of the ship.

PALImperialAssault             = 100

Points for performing an Imperial Assault. No points are awarded if attacker and defender are allied.

PALPillage                     = 10

Points for performing a Pillage mission on an enemy planet. Same-race, unowned or allied planets are not credited.

PALRGA                         = 10

Points for performing a Rebel Ground Attack mission on an enemy planet. Same-race, unowned or allied planets are not credited.


PALRecyclingPer10KT            = 4

Points for every 10 kt of ship mass for a ship that is recycled at a starbase or decommissioned at a planet.

PALShipMinekillPer10KT         = 0

Points for every 10 kt of hull mass destroyed by a mine hit. These points are awarded to the player who owns the mine field.

(3.4c) Points are computed with three fractional digits precision, i.e. exact. At the end of the turn, the fractional part is discarded. PHost versions up to 3.4b would truncate after each step of the computation.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.