word      Location X
word      Location Y
word      Mass (0..32767)
word      Stability Code (0..5)
word      Id
--- PHost 3.4h/4.0e: ---
word      Ufo Id
word      Bidirectional (0 or 1)

Sent when: a wormhole is scanned

Sent to: owner of the ship that scans the wormhole, and his vision-level allies.

This reports a wormhole entry point along with its mass and a code indicating the stability.

CodeStabilityApprox. chance of travel failure
0very stable5%
2mostly stable30%
4very unstable80%
5completely unstable> 80%

The Id field indicates the wormhole Id. Wormhole Ids are even-valued if the wormhole represents an entry point and odd-valued if the wormhole is bidirectional and the given location represents the exit point. The exit point always has a wormhole Id that is 1 greater than the entry point's Id. Note that some Ids may be missing due to wormholes that have collapsed or unidirectional wormholes (which will not have an odd-valued Id number).

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.