char[18]  Host Run Time (Timestamp)
word      Turn Number
word      Player Number (1..11)
byte      PHost Version: Major (e.g. 4)
byte      PHost Version: Minor (e.g. 0)
long      HULLSPEC.DAT Digest
long      ENGSPEC.DAT Digest
long      BEAMSPEC.DAT Digest
long      TORPSPEC.DAT Digest
long      TRUEHULL.DAT Digest
long      XYPLAN.DAT Digest
long      Configuration Digest
long      RACE.NM Digest
char[32]  Game Name
--- PHost 2.11h: ---
byte      PHost Version: Release (e.g. 'a')

Sent when: This record always is the first record in every util.dat file. It identifies the file, and associates it with a RST file.

The Host Run Time is the same time-stamp also found in RST files. A program can confirm that a util.dat file indeed corresponds to a RST file by comparing this file, and the Turn Number and Player Number fields.

The three PHost Version fields indicate the PHost version used to generate the file. For example, PHost version 3.4c would report Major=3, Minor=4, and Release='c'. The Release file may be blank (i.e. space).

The eight 32-bit digests are intended to allow player-side utilities to verify that the player-side ship list files are the same as the ones used on the host side. Details are available on request.

The Game Name field contains the value of the GameName config option, for informational purposes.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at