Syntax: give ship|planet <id> [to] <player>

Enabled by: CPEnableGive

Since: PHost 1.3c

With this command, you can give one of your ships or planets to any other race. You need not be allies. The receiving race must, however, have a planet or ship at the same position as the unit whose ownership you're transferring.

All ownership transfers take place at once. Hence, it is possible for two races to trade ships in the same turn.

The gsX friendly code has the same effect as the give ship command.


give ship 3 to 7Give ship #3 to the Crystals
g s 3 7same, but abbreviated


  • The receiving race must have ship or planet at the same location (type, cloak, cargo etc. does not matter).
  • Ship must not be ungiveable
  • The ship does not need fuel for the trade.


  • mission is reset,

    (4.0j) cloak is canceled

    (ships only);
  • waypoint is reset, ship will not move this turn (ships only);
  • primary enemy is reset (ships only);
  • friendly code is randomized (ships and planets);
  • hulls in storage are recycled (base);
  • ship build order is cancelled (base). If the base is cloning a ship, that build order will be removed from the queue, and added to the end again if it is still valid;
  • (4.0k) shipyard order (fix/recycle) is cancelled (base)


Conflict Resolution: Commands are executed in order received, therefore the last one takes effect.

Relevant Configuration Options: CPEnableGive (if set to Allies, you can only give ships/planets to allies)

Relevant PControl Stages: TransferOwner.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at