- Training now sends a confirmation message and util.dat record stating the amount of experience gained if ExactExperienceReports is enabled. The message uses a more condensed format in 4.1b and later for easier parsing. (v4.1a)
- The refit command now overrides both beamup and extmission. (v4.1a)
- For computation of tow resistance, hyperjump ships now always use the maximum distance (e.g. 81), independant of their actual waypoint distance. This is to reflect the fact that, in case they win the tow conflict, their movement will be the same independant of their waypoint. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- If a meteor kills a planet's population, the planet now becomes unowned instantly. Previously, the now uninhabited planet could still fight and produce. The same problem also occured when ground combat yielded "almost" mutual annihilation. (v4.1a/3.5a)
- Unless the Master program already set a default (PMaster and AMaster do, master.exe doesn't), PHost now initializes the default remote control state to remote forbid default. (v4.1c/3.5c)
Version 20250307-T