You can use several starship missions and friendly codes which interact with a planet. The planet must allow them this interaction. A friendly planet is one which fulfills at least one of the following conditions:

  • You own it. Obviously, your planets will support your ships. Note that in case of remote control ships are actually owned by someone else although they appear as yours in the client program.
  • The planet is unowned. Unowned planets won't refuse you a wish.
  • You're allied with the planet owner, and (PHost only) the planet owner offers you the planet level of alliance.
  • The ship has the same friendly code as the planet. This will override the planetary security systems. Because special friendly codes never match in PHost, this case can only be used for missions, not for special friendly code actions.
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at