This document contains a glossary of VGA Planets terms. Unlike the other parts of the PHost documentation, it tries to cover all of the game, not just PHost (but has, admittedly, developed a PHost bias since it started).


Shorthand for Alternate Combat.


A Computer Player. In particular, this may refer to the original implementation of a computer player by Tim Wisseman, but this one plays so bad and cheats a lot, so it is rarely if ever used these days.


Abbreviation for "experience points" in PHost.


Shorthand for EchoView.

FC / FCode

See Friendly Code.


Friendly Code Battle Order, i.e. the Battle Order defined by numeric Friendly Codes.


Fine-Grain Control, aka PControl.

Fine-Grain Control

Alternate name for PControl.

Gravity Well

Alternate name for warp wells.


Abbreviation for "Graphical User Interface". This is standard computer terminology.

Red error

See Data Status.

Scotty Bonus

Used to refer to the Fed crew bonus. Scotty was the engineer on USS Enterprise.


Abbreviation for "The Killing Floor".


Shorthand for Planets4.

Version 4

Shorthand for Planets4.

Yellow error

See Data Status.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at