What happens when friendly codes match? (This list is expected to be complete.)

  • A starbase's Load Torpedoes mission will load torpedoes onto ships with matching code, Refuel Ships will refuel them, Unload will unload them.
  • A starbase's Force Surrender mission will force ships with matching code to give up and surrender.
  • Objects with matching codes will not attack each other in combat.
  • Ships that match a minefield friendly code will not trigger a mine. Webs will not drain fuel from ships with matching codes.
  • Ships that match the friendly code of a Firecloud will be allowed to pass the Chunnel.
  • Ships that match the friendly code of a minefield will not sweep the field.
  • Fed ships that match the friendly code of a starbase will be allowed to use parts from that base for Super Refit.
  • Ships that match the friendly code of a planet will be allowed to beam up minerals from that planet, use the planet's supplies for Training and build torpedoes or fighters.
  • Ships that match the friendly code of a planet can Colonize there.

Now when are two friendly codes are considered matching? When they are identical, character by character, of course. Friendly codes are case-sensitive, a lower-case 'a' doesn't match an upper-case 'A'. However, in PHost, there's one big exception: Special Friendly Codes Never Match!

If a ship has a special friendly code (either registered friendly codes or the unregistered ones) then it will never match the friendly code of another ship, planet, or minefield. For example, if a ship has a friendly code of mkt then it will fight an enemy ship even if the enemy ship also has a friendly code of mkt. This holds true even for unregistered games.

All the special friendly codes defined by PHost are listed below. Add-ons may define their own special friendly codes. At host-side, these codes are listed in a file xtrfcode.txt. Players can use the send fcodes command to request a copy of that file. The file format is described below.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.