Default: 56 (Firecloud)

Numeric Value: 12

Chunnel ships can initiate transwarp tunnels through which they can move large distances. They can move large fleets this way.

To initiate a chunnel, the Initiator sets his friendly code to the Id number of the target ship, as three digits. The target ship, hereafter called "the Mate", must also have chunnel ability. The following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • The Initiator must have at least 51 kt fuel. Initiating a chunnel costs 50 kt.
  • The Initiator must not move (Warp zero) and not be under successful tow.
  • The Mate must have at least one kt fuel.
  • The Mate must not move (warp zero) and not be under successful tow.
  • The Mate must be owned by the same player as the Initiator, or, if AllowAlliedChunneling is enabled, by a player who has a full (bidirectional) ship level alliance with the Initiator.
  • The distance between Initiator and Mate must be at least 100 ly (MinimumChunnelDistance).
  • Neither Mate nor Initiator may have DamageLevelForChunnelFail or more damage.

When these preconditions are fulfilled, the Initiator will send a targeting beam to the Mate and initiate the chunnel. The chunnel, sort-of an artificial wormhole, will immediately collapse again. This will push any ship through the tunnel which is at the same position as the initiator and for which at least one of the following conditions holds:

  • It has warp zero (maybe because it was towed to the Initiator)
  • It is cloaked
  • It is owned by the same player as the Initiator
  • (3.4b) Its owner has a full, bidirectional ship-level alliance with the Initiator Firecloud owner

  • It has no fuel.
  • It has the same friendly code as the Initiator (i.e. the id of the Mate)

In particular, the Initiator will be pushed through the tunnel as well (as per the 3rd rule). Ships will leave the chunnel without shields, at the very same position as the Mate.


  • Chunneling + Cloak/AdvancedCloak
  • ► 

    (4.0i/3.4k) Building up a chunnel sets free huge amounts of energy, therefore both Initiator and Mate have to decloak.

  • Chunneling + ChunnelSelf / ChunnelOthers / ChunnelTarget
  • ► Chunneling is completely equivalent to having a ship with all three of the lesser Chunneling functions.

► Note: Note that if you have a ship with Chunneling, and remove one of the lesser chunneling functions (using the RacesAllowed assignment in shiplist.txt, or the inhibitfunction command), the ship will still be able to chunnel. PHost does not break up the Chunneling ability into its pieces and remove one piece.

Relevant PControl Stage: Chunneling

Relevant Configuration Options: AllowAlliedChunneling, AllowChunneling, DamageLevelForChunnelFail.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at