• N, I: Select planet Id
  • O: Edit owner
  • F: Edit friendly code
  • D: Edit defense post count
  • P: Edit population (and compute maximum defense post count from that)
  • A: Edit abilities
  • L: Edit experience level (if active on your host)
  • B: Edit base beam tech
  • G: Edit base fighter count
  • S: Edit base defense count
  • T: Edit base torp tech
  • W: Edit base torpedoes. You can enter a count for each type; just start typing or delete using Backspace.

Beam tech 0 means "no base" and disables all starbase-related fields. You must enter a starbase beam tech first to make a base.


P from battle simulator
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.