UI.InputFCode flags:Any, [default:Str]

Ask for friendly code input. This uses the regular friendly code input window with a list of friendly code.

The flags parameter is a string that can contain the following options:

  • "S": offer ship friendly codes
  • "P": offer planet friendly codes
  • "B": offer starbase friendly codes
  • "C": offer friendly codes for capital ships
  • "A": offer friendly codes for alchemy ships
  • "D": offer default context-dependant selection. This examines the current context and offers matching codes. That is, when this command is called from a ship, offers matching ship codes. All other options are ignored in this case.
  • a number: offer friendly codes available to the specified player. Defaults to the currently loaded player if omitted or zero.

You should specify either "D", or at least one of "S", "B" and "P".

The optional default parameter specifies the current value of the friendly code. The code starts as empty if this argument is omitted.

The result will be stored in UI.Result, as usual for user interface commands. If the dialog is canceled, UI.Result will be EMPTY.

In text mode, this command yields a simple input line, like this:

 UI.Input "Friendly Code", "", 3, "h", default

Version Differences: The "D" flag is supported in PCC2 only.

Since: PCC 1.0.17, PCC2 1.99.21

See also: Global Commands

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.