• Arrows: Use the arrows to move around in steps of 10 (or prefix argument). Hold Shift to go a single light year, Ctrl to go 100.
  • +, -: Zoom
  • Space: Lock onto planet. With Ctrl, only marked units
  • Enter: Lock onto ship. With Ctrl, only marked units
  • F1: Go to ship screen (if locked at a ship)
  • F2: Go to planet screen (if locked at a planet)
  • F3, F8: Go to base screen (if locked at a planet with base)
  • F4, ESC: Exit starchart
  • F5: Planet information (if locked at a planet)
  • F6: Starship History (if locked at a ship or near a ship's position)
  • F7: Search object
  • CtrlH: Search objects at this location
  • F9: Edit current unit's or marker's comment
  • ShiftF9, CtrlF9: Edit current planet's comment
  • AltF9: Edit current marker's comment
  • PgUp, PgDn: Browse through units of this type in Id order. With Ctrl, only marked units. With Shift, also include units we're not playing
  • L: List ships at this point
  • CtrlN: List ships that will be here next turn
  • G: Go to coordinate or sector.
  • digit M, CtrlM: Create canned marker. CtrlM creates a default marker, 1 M through 9 M create markers 1-9.
  • M: Minefield information
  • U: Ufo information
  • I: Ion storm information
  • C: Change color of drawing near cursor
  • V: Move marker we're locked on. Finish moving with ESC
  • P: Draw
  • T: Change drawing tag
  • D: Distance mode
  • R: Range mode. Mark all objects within a rectangular area. Finish with ESC, cancel with Backspace.
  • CtrlR: Toggle or configure display of visibility ranges.
  • X: When looking at a wormhole, goes to its other end. On circular wrapped map, switch between this point and its "outside" image.
  • Del: Delete drawing near cursor. Confirm with Enter or Y, cancel with ESC or N. Pick different drawing to delete using Del. Delete this line and all adjacent lines using A.
  • Backspace: Go to previous screen
  • AltBackspace: Show list of previous screens
  • AltM: Toggle display of minefields
  • AltA: Toggle display of ships as dots or triangles
  • AltD: Toggle display of unit labels
  • AltF: Filter drawings
  • AltL: Edit unit label expressions
  • AltI: Toggle display of ion storms
  • AltV: Toggle display of ship vectors
  • AltT: Toggle highlight of marked units
  • AltS: Toggle display of sector borders
  • AltB: Toggle display of map borders
  • AltU: Toggle display of Ufos
  • AltP: Toggle display of drawings
  • AltW: Toggle display of warp well boundaries
  • AltN: Toggle display of message flags. A flag is displayed if there is a message for a unit. Press ShiftN to read the messages.
  • AltO: Starchart options

Object View

When you select an object (ship or planet) on the starchart, PCC2 will display two map overlays: a list containing all objects at this place, and an overlay panel containing information about the current object. While the info panel is displayed, most keys of the respective control screen are active. For example, while locked at a ship, M changes the ship's mission instead of opening a minefield info view. In addition, the following keys are accepted:

  • Tab: Cycle through units at this place. With Ctrl, only marked units. With Shift, go backwards.
  • B: Replace planet view by starbase view; if no starbase present, try to build one
  • P: Replace starbase view by planet view
  • A: On planet view, build structures
  • ESC: Hide view

Starchart Symbols

  • Starships are color-coded: • green for own, • gold for allied, • red for enemy units. Ships are dots or tiny triangles (AltA to toggle) when in free space, circles when in orbit of a planet. When ships of different kind orbit a planet, the ring is • yellow.
  • Planets have a • blue ring when they're yours, a gray one when they are owned by an enemy, a bronze one when they are owned by an ally, a gray dotted one when they are unowned, and no ring at all when nothing is known.
  • Planets that have bases have an additional "+"-style cross.
  • Own minefields are green, allied minefields are bronze, enemy fields are gray. Web fields are denser than normal ones.
  • Explosions are a mix of yellow and red pixels.
  • Sector borders (gray dotted lines) are drawn every 100 lightyears (also see Go to X/Y or sector).

Whether a player is ally or enemy is determined by the Teams setting.


F4 from almost everywhere
Related command:
UI.GotoChart, Chart.SetView
Starchart (normal), ShipLock, PlanetLock, BaseLock), UnknownPlanetLock (when locked at appropriate object)
Script context:
corresponding to locked object
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.