This file is created by the Movie Recorder (VPMC) to store the current state of the world. Each turn, the Recorder computes the difference between the universe and this file and stores it to the .VPM file, and updates VPMOVIE.TMP accordingly.
+0 10 BYTEs "option block" (?) +10 500 BYTEs planet data bits 0..3 owner bit 4 ? (0) bit 5 starbase present bits 6, 7 ? (0) +510 500 RECORDs of 9 bytes each +0 BYTE Hull number +1 BYTE bits 0..3 owner bits 4..7 engine type +2 BYTE bits 0..3 beam type bits 4..7 beam count +3 BYTE bits 0..3 torp type bits 4..7 torp launcher count +4 WORD X +6 WORD Y +8 BYTE damage +5010 500 RECORDs of 7 bytes each +0 WORD X +2 WORD Y +4 WORD Radius +6 BYTE Bits 0..3 owner Bit 4 1=web