For each torpedo launcher (10) a record of 38 bytes:
 +0  20 BYTEs   Name
+20     WORD    Cost (mc for a Torpedo)
+22     WORD    Cost (mc for a Launcher)
+24     WORD    Tritanium needed for Launcher
+26     WORD    Duranium needed for Launcher
+28     WORD    Molybdenum needed for Launcher
+30     WORD    Mass of Launcher
+32     WORD    Tech Level
+34     WORD    Kill Value
+36     WORD    Damage Value

Torpedoes always need 1 kt of each mineral to build and have a mass of 1 kt.

The torpedo records are followed by 90 unused bytes. The Plangineer appears to write more dummy bytes than that.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at