These data files usually remain constant throughout a game: it's rather painful to change them in mid-game while avoiding Tim Continuum attacks. Both the host and the players must use exactly the same data set.
Some of these files are some bytes longer than required. These bytes are not used and contain only parts of deleted files on Wisseman's hard disk.
Tim's CONFIG.SYS was exactly 215 bytes large on 9/May/1992 at 9:03 pm.
The ship specification files need to have fixed sizes checked for by PLANETS.EXE:
BEAMSPEC.DAT 360 bytes ENGSPEC.DAT 598 bytes (4 bytes more than required) HULLSPEC.DAT 6300 bytes TORPSPEC.DAT 470 bytes (90 bytes more than required) PLANETS.EXE computes a checksum each time it is started to prevent using modified files. The sum of all bytes of these 4 files must be exactly 338817. Otherwise Planets refuses to run with the message "ERROR: Main data files have been tampered with." However, the 94 superfluous bytes should be enough to compensate changes.
TRUEHULL.DAT is 940 bytes by default, of which only 440 are needed.
- BEAMSPEC.DAT - Beam weapons [V]
- ENGSPEC.DAT - Engines [V]
- FRIDAY.DAT - SRace - Race Assignments
- HULLFUNC.DAT - PHost - Hull Functionalities [V]
- HULLSPEC.DAT - Starship Hulls [V]
- LANG.PLN - Host Language [V]
- MISSION.INI - Winplan - Missions
- PLANET.NM - Planet names
- PLANGxx.HST - PHost - Language Data
- PLNHELP.DAT - Help texts
- RACE.NM - Race names
- REG.KEY - Winplan - Registration Key
- RESOURCE.PLN - Pictures
- SCRAM21.OLE - Winplan - Registration Protection
- STORM.NM - Names for Ion storms
- TECH.MOF - Font
- TORPSPEC.DAT - Torpedoes [V]
- TRUEHULL.DAT - Assignment Player <-> Starship Hulls
- VPH35.DLL - Version 3.5 Signatures
- WPVCR.DLL - Winplan - Images for the Winplan VCR [T]
- XYPLAN.DAT - Planet Coordinates