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[Posting] Web and mine sweeping
Thread opener
Posted Sun, 2016-12-11 06:55 GMT

I have a question about mine sweep in phost

example 1

  • f.e. the web radius is 20 ly and WebMineSweepRange = 0
  • my sweeper is on 19.9 ly from the center
  • i hope i will sweep the web ))

example 2

  • f.e. the web radius is 20 ly and WebMineSweepRange = 0
  • my sweeper is on 20.0 ly from the center
  • will i sweep the web? ))

example 3

  • f.e. the web radius is 20 ly and WebMineSweepRange = 0
  • my sweeper is on 20.9 ly from the center
  • will i sweep the web? ))
[Posting] Re: Web and mine sweeping
Posted Sun, 2016-12-11 11:23 GMT

Mine sweeping is exact in PHost. There is no rounding. 20.1 is greater than 20, so no sweep.

However, there's one big gotcha. In PHost, mine decay happens before mine laying. This means your minefield will be 5% smaller next turn than now. You might appear in sweep range today, but after 5% decay, you'll be out of range.

This is the reason why PHost typically is played with a WebSweepRange of 3..5, to avoid that you move into the minefield and hit a mine, and then are told you're too far to sweep.
