[Posting] Re: mining extraction
Thread:mining extraction
Forum:Just a Second
In reply to:mining extraction
Date:Wed, 2013-01-30 17:10 GMT

specifically, what VPA displays for this game is used by the following formula:

amt.extracted = trunc(#mines*ext.rate/100), whereas in THost the formula was:

amt.extracted = round(#mines*ext.rate/100), which amount was in fact extracted to the planets surface in the game.

granted it is not much of a change, but at lower extraction rates it makes a greater difference. and this game seems to have an abundance of lower extraction rates.

The first formula is the old PHost formula, used in PHost before version 3.5 resp. 4.1.

Newer versions -- including the one used here -- use "round" (although a subtly different implementation).

VPA since version 3.63 knows about this difference, older versions only use the old PHost formula for any version of PHost.

hmmm. speaking of which, what is the average (arithmetic mean) and, if different, the median, and mode extraction rate for this game?

This is configured in the amaster.src file.

On the game overview page, you have a link "Files: Browse", where you can download it, and it is also contained in the playerfiles.zip you have received with your first turn.

Specifically, you're looking for the parameter

   PlanetDensityRanges=10, 10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 100, 100

which should yield an average density of 55%.
