From: | AlexanderW |
Thread: | ships in PCC 1.99.20 |
Forum: | Bugs |
In reply to: | ships in PCC 1.99.20 |
Date: | Wed, 2013-06-12 19:41 GMT |
Ohh, I was a DAU, no I was even a Super-DAU.
You want to know what this mean? Just read the end of this posting.
To excuse me: This happen in a game I do not like because I want to leave the Server.
What happen? I worried myself with a wrong ship name. Usually I use the number of the ship inside the shipname. And here I made a mistake. Ship 2xx was really ship 4xx :-(.
DAU is part of the language of some german programmers. It comes from GAU for atomic plants and esp. Atomic Power Plants.
GAU means "grösster anzunehmender Unfall".
Grösster -> Biggest.
anzunehmender -> to expect
Unfall -> accident
While designing a Atomic Power Plan the engineer is thinking about the worst case or better worst to expect accident. This is in german called GAU. If a accident is bigger than the GAU then you has a Super-Gau. For example Tschernobyl was a Super-GAU.
OK and DAU means Dümmster anzunehmender User.
Dümmster -> most stupid.
anzunehmender -> to expect
Get än bestuet, da get än veruet; sterft än, da get än gelueft.