[Posting] Re: Utilities
In reply to:Re: Utilities
Date:Sat, 2023-02-11 00:46 GMT

I just grabbed a shovel and a lantern and went deep into the abyss of my data storages, there I found some stuff which I am keeping since decades, so I'll just throw it in here. Warning: The files might be incomplete or corrupted, but anyways.

So what I could find is: - Dan and Daves Pack (.exe files [and others] from 2000: Asteroid, Jumpgate, Starbase, Tachyon, Raceplus) - Lurkers Stormfront [including key file, I think I bought that one long time ago) - Machines of Yore (v 1.41 released in 1996...)

surely Stefan has most or even all of them, but if there's something I can do then let me know.