[Posting] Utilities
Date:Thu, 2023-02-09 01:49 GMT

It's hard to find a lot of the old utilities. If you have any of the following, or know where or how to find them online, please let me know.

Cplayers: Stormlord? Admiral The Q

Utils: MakeMap The Killing Floor

Back in the day I had everything I could find. But that was at least 6 computers ago. I had backed up a lot of my older games on a CD, but that has been lost over time (and my wife cleaning up a lot).

So, I'd like to get my hands specifically on these (at least one of the Cplayers, but the more the merrier). And if you have any other utilities you like, let me know. I don't remember all the stuff I used to use. I'm just trying to set up a few games for myself to get reacquainted with the game and I like unique maps and a good cplayer to play against. Later, I'll retry TKF if I can get it.

Thanks to all!!