[Posting] Re: make a race replacement for players 8 and 10?
Thread:make a race replacement for players 8 and 10?
Forum:North Star 15
In reply to:Re: make a race replacement for players 8 and 10?
Date:Tue, 2022-11-15 19:08 GMT

as I have already suggested - you need to give 8 and 10 at the start of the gravitonic type bf4 or br5. this will speed up the economy of the race and then there will be more willing. such an enhancement was done on Russian hosts and this policy justified itself

Good people of the cluster! Listen to this man! Please give poor beggar.. eh... sorry, Rebel, a gravitonic! And a Loki! And a Firecloud! And a Death Star! (Ah... Rebels do not fly Death Stars, just blow them... What an inappropriate use of expensive hardware...)