[Posting] Re: PCC 1.99.20
Thread:PCC 1.99.20
In reply to:PCC 1.99.20
Date:Tue, 2013-03-26 20:40 GMT

After downloading and installing the newest version (I uninstalled the previous first) my PCC worked right as it should. (without pictures ;-)

Uninstallation is not needed. The installer contains all information to update a previous version.

Since I wanted to make use of the new labels dropdown as soon as possible, I did some tests with editing the expr.cc.

If you create a second file, expr.usr, you can keep your settings separate from mine. expr.cc will be overwritten by updates.

First I tried to include a new line into the planetlabels. Which PCC outright ignored. I find that surprising, since I then tried renaming the predefined labels as well as editing them. Which both worked.

Did you remember to use two spaces to separate description and expression.

Yes, the format is weird, but hey, it worked fine for 15 years in PCC 1.x :-)

However after closing and restarting PCC about a dozen times, always slightly editing the expr.cc PCC began to start slooowly. I had to wait 30 seconds for it to start. I also saw my desktop changing resolution (I start always with fullscreen) before the main menue coming up. I never had that with version 18.

And the worst was the dropdown beginning to lag hard. When I clicked it, the lines would be generated one after another with pcc freezing 10 or more seconds after every line.

Restarting my computer did not help. So the only clue I have is that my previously used expression for the planet label was very long. That long:

Label.Planet = if(0,"",if(1,if(1,if(owner=my.race,if(1,if(natives.tax>0,"N:"&natives.happy$&" "&natives.change$,"")&if(colonists.tax>0," C:"&colonists.happy$&" "&colonists.change$,""),if(factories<factories.max,"yes "&min(supplies,money/3,factories.max-factories),"no")),""),if(owner=my.race,ground.N&"N "&ground.T&"T "&ground.D&"D "&ground.M&"M",natives&natives.gov&" "&natives.race&" "&Temp)),if(1,natives&natives.gov&" "&natives.race&" "&temp,temp$&"°F")))

which are approximately 350 characters. And that was listed 3 times in the "formerly used labels" section.

I cannot reproduce the "take longer to start" part. There are no algorithms of more than linear complexity in label management.

However, I can reproduce that your expression is listed multiple times. There seems to be an encoding problem caused by the "°" sign. I'm not yet sure where it comes from.
