From: | streu |
Thread: | Welcome |
Forum: | Just a Second |
In reply to: | Re: Welcome |
Date: | Thu, 2012-12-27 11:46 GMT |
Language = English,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,E.,English AllowMoreThan50Targets = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No FilterPlayerMessages = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No AllowMoreThan500Minefields = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Nojust curious: why 'English' twelve times, but only eleven "No"s on each line?
The first entry in Language is the language host.log is written in. See http://phost.de/phost4doc/config.html.
Note that because Mine Sweeping happens after decay in PHost, the sweep ranges must be larger than in THost to yield roughly the same results.
MineSweepRate = 4 MineSweepRange = 5 WebMineSweepRate = 3 WebMineSweepRange = 3but, but, but, those first two numbers are the same as THost... ;)
Those are the values that are used with most PHost games I played. The most important one is the WebMineSweepRange, to allow people to reach web fields without getting in danger.
Ion Storms; IonStormActivity = 5
? ? ? [this is none?]
Nice observation, it seems that the "no ion storms" building block didn't work as intended; I'll fix it. That should be 0.
FreeFighters = 0,0,1,1,1,1,1,15,0,0,0
interesting !
Again, conventional PHost/PList setting.
BuildChangeRelativePenalty = 100
what does this mean?
OK, some of the PBP stuff is new to me, as well as most/all of the PAL, SBQ, & phost stuff.
This means you lose your build queue position when you change your build order.
If that's your first PHost game - read the docs. A good starting point is http://phost.de/phost4doc/first.html.
just a few more questions at this time:
AntiCloakImmunity = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No
is no one decloaked by the "Loki", or, everyone ?
This means Fed, Lizard, Bird are not immune to Lokis just for being Fed, Lizard, Bird. Everyone is immune to their own Lokis.
WormholeUFOsStartAt = 51
EPTrainingScale = 55,48,55,55,80,52,55,48,71,67,67
what do these mean ? also, what is a(n) UFO ?
WrmScanRange = 150
wormhole visible at 150 LYs?
Please, for questions "what does option X do", read the documentation. That's probably more useful than cut&pasting the docs here.
This game will use wormholes. Those are reported in the data files as "Ufos". You will need a client program that can display Ufos. Those are at least Winplan, VPA, PCC 1.x, PCC2, EchoView (but not Dosplan or Informer). WormholeUfosStartAt just says where they are placed in the data file. This is to coordinate Ufo placement between programs and has no effect upon you.
EPTrainingScale pertains, like all "EP" and "EMod" options, to the experience point system of PHost 4. Since that is not used in this game, this option has no effect.