[Posting] Re: Where is Robotic "OldVolk"?
Thread:Where is Robotic "OldVolk"?
Forum:Phoenix 6
In reply to:Where is Robotic "OldVolk"?
Date:24/Dec/2017, 14:13
Edited:24/Dec/2017, 14:15

Hi Players,

where is the Robot?

He did not play for almost 30 Turns, but Host did not kick him.

On the other Hand Player 10 is "dead" but "open" - nobody will join here.

Should Player "9" be marked as dead, too?


Robot left when I took 2 Trolls from his HW (or was it troll + merlin? it's such a long time now).

Concerning automatically marking someone as dead - if this is wanted: I'ld suggest something like no ships and no SB left, plus either no turns submitted for some time (5 turns?) or the player is leaving the game. I'ld apply them in a way that a player is dead on the spot when he lost the last ship/sb and didn't submit turns for the apropriate time. (so the timer is not starting when loosing the ship/sb but always running)