[Posting] Re: Winning Condition
Thread:Winning Condition
Forum:North Star 1
In reply to:Re: Winning Condition
Date:17/Jul/2017, 11:59

as I said, there will be no final agreement as it seems. Fact is:

the game was set up as a "no turn limit" game with no allliances or cooperation.

- Siba wants to end the game because he wants to be the winner. He wants to end it now before going into a fight with the Crystal (and Klingon?) as long as he is on top position. - I want to continue to test my strength against him and others I didnt fight yet

Thats why I repeat my suggestion: Lets stop, find a replacement for Lizard and Priv and then continue. Siba will be able to feel as the top scorer until right now and can look for other games, and I will be able to see where the game is going from here.