[Posting] Re: settings of game
Thread:settings of game
Forum:Phoenix 4
In reply to:Re: settings of game
Date:Thu, 2016-09-15 09:11 GMT

Statistics play Colonies of Men on this server:
Game____________Place (PTScore)
Fist Steps______10/11
Just a Second___7
Phoenix 1_______4
Pleiades 1______8
Pleiades 2______9
Pleiades 3______6
Phoenix 2_______5
Pleiades 4______3 (from 9 players) = 4
Phoenix 3_______10/11
Pleiades 5______3/4/5
Pleiades 6______not played

THe best result - fourth place.
Colonies - too strong race :lol: on PLIST 2.4 or 3.2